I feel your pain brother. My Wife has a leopard theme in our bedroom, luckily it hasn't ventured out past the bedroom door...
Compromises can be tough. If you have to, be very very very specific (I learned the really hard way!)
Here's a tip (more like a warning): Wifes/girlfriends have a memory like an elephant...Once you tell them something, that's it the floodgates are open! They don't let you forget it!
I know I could play it tough, but I'm pretty sure the leopard print will at least make it to the sheets when we get a bigger bed.
Oh man does my girlfriend have a memory. It's better than most women even I'd be willing to bet, and it applies to everything. Once she hears a 10 digit phone number the odds are about 50/50 she's got it memorized the first time through, and months later she can recall it. I can't get away with nothin I tells ya. Oh well keeps me honest.

And lets face it, we don't really care what colour anything is, as long as the friends can't see it, and as long as we get our own little area to keep manly. Men are a simple breed, for the most part. I've been told I only have two emotions, hungry and tired. And for all of my crap she has to put up with, be it audio/video upgradeitis, or my eyes that just can't be trained not to look at the hot girls butt as she walks by, she deserves her little quirks too.
As to futureshop in Canada I too will only shop if there is a great deal on. For me the reason is simple. Remember that stoner kid in highschool? No not the one that you were. The one who had no brain cells left, used to argue the merit of smoking tea leaves or catnip vs. glue huffing, couldn't find his way home from the next block over, and noone could never tell if he was awake because his eyes were almost always squinted closed 24 hrs a day 7 days a week. That kid is about 27 now, still is depending on the 2 last functioning braincells in his head (although it seems like he's pierced his face and head enough times to be trying to dig in from the front and sides to get at those too) , and I've watched him slowly work his way up the Chain at futureshop, to the point where he is in charge of the sales staff for the TV section. I've talked to this guy before folks, we went to school together for a long time, he's not a bad guy, just stupid and stoned. He doesn't know anything about the products he sells. Less than me even. And whats worse is since he's in a position of authority now the sales staff are taking on a distinct new look and style. I guess the more piercings the better. You can't go in to the futureshop by my house where this guy works and expect any kind of help, but you can see groups of people ranging from 16-30 standing on groups and talking, while they scope out the babes, talk about pot and how drunk they were on the weekend. One of the guys who posts to this site has the signature ,"God must love stupid people, he made enough of them." He sure did, and they all work at my local futureshop. I know it sounds mean, but I'm not 16 anymore, and I really hate talking to stupid stoned people, (smart stoned people fine, but not idiots) and I really don't want to take shopping advice from them either.
End rant.