Alright, I needed something to keep me busy so I decided on sub project:
Dual Dayton Quatro 12". This will be a down firing, rear ported setup.
Behringer A500 Amp. This amp is servo based, so it will be a servo subwoofer. I figured a $199, 26 lbs servo based amp was a better deal than a $240 17 lbs plate amp. If i need to switch the phase, I can flip the speaker wires. The built in X-over of the receiver makes the one on the plate amp a moot point.
It is a ported design with a tuning of 25Hz. This calls for 2 ports of 4" diameter and 16.83 inches in length. The ones from PE are 17 inches. It's all good.
I am running 2 terminal cups and will feed each side of the amp via RCA cinch connector off of a y cable from the subwoofer out. So I am not wiring the speakers in series. Basically running two mono-amps.
5 lbs of acousti-stuff, they say about 1/2 lb per cubic foot. The cabinet is just shy of 6.
A set of speaker spikes in chrome will tie it to the floor.
The entire component cost is $530 and that includes the $38 router jig. So less than $500 for a dual 12". Tack on 1" MDF and laminate cost...