My Conspiracy Theory:



Audioholic Spartan
(Not perfect, just a theory)
My Conspiracy Theory:

A government either exploits a disaster, or creates a disaster to create a reaction. The reaction is then exploited to prime the people for change -- in fact having them begging for it, at which time a "solution" is offered -- the solution the government wants.

In some cases the "solution" is actually not a solution... it appears to be one but actually it will become a problem, which will boil over into a crisis, which then gets a reaction, and then another solution. Which can repeat over and over.

All of this usually escapes detection, because quite simply it can easily be mistaken for an unexpected tragedy, and in the event that a "solution" turns into a problem it's hard to prove as deliberate and can simply be written off as incompetence.

A disaster: The Great Depression.
Part of the New Deal was the Social Security Act that was drafted by President Roosevelt.

It turned out that Social Security was a way to grow government. Greedy politicians would 'borrow' from the SS fund for projects, and in return, the payments to current retirees were only pennies on the dollar. So for every dollar put in a person got 2 cents back.
A disaster was exploited, to the governments' advantage.

Another disaster: Sept. 11th 2001.
The solution: Homeland Security, sweeping new power for the government, and boat loads of money for cities and states to fund Homeland Security projects. Millions of the taxpayer's money mismanaged. (Too much to type here.)

Present day disaster: Real-estate devalued, banks fail, large companies fail, recession.
The solution: Yet again government grows itself.

The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, commonly referred to as a bailout of the U.S. financial system.
We "nationalized" the worlds largest insurance Co. AIG.
The government puts the tax payer's children, and grandchildren, and great-grandchildren into the greatest debt the world has ever known.
Billions of dollars go to pork projects of both Democrats and Republicans, all in the name of 'Stimulating the Economy.'

Another problem caused by government, and the growing of government, seen as the solution.


Audioholic Jedi
KURTZWEIL: According to the newspaper, FEMA was called out to manage an outbreak of the Hanta virus. Are you familiar with what the Federal Emergency Management Agency's real power is? FEMA allows the White House to suspend constitutional government upon declaration of a national emergency. Think about that! What is an agency with such broad-sweeping power doing managing a small viral outbreak in suburban Texas?

MULDER: You're saying it wasn't such a small outbreak.

KURTZWEIL: No, I'm saying it wasn't the Hanta virus.

[Only loosely related, but it's the first thing that popped into my head. :)]


One of the most infamous and disturbing yet largly ignored words spoken by someone in politcal power:

"You never let a serious crisis go to waste" Rahm Emanuel

Are we not seeing that hand played out brilliantly? Rickster... you're spot on.

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