Buckeyefan 1 said:
Is the Marantz a class AB amp? Aren't most receiver amps class AB? If you were to add a separate two channel amp to the Marantz, would you add a class A or AB, and why? What do you gain from one over the other? I think you mentioned you had a Proton amp. Which class is that?
Most amps are class AB. Class A amps are usually much more expensive and much less efficient, also it takes a great deal of engineering to even get 50 watts out. A class A amplifier uses one transistor (or many in parallel) to output 100% of the sine wave.
A class AB amplifier uses 2 transistors (or many in parallel) in a push pull configuration to replicate a portion of the sine wave. Such that 2 transistors are sharing the load, thus making the unit much more efficient. Getting more power is much easier because each unit is only doing a portion of the load.
Adding an amp to the Marantz would only be needed if you were using some extremely inefficient speakers. But that’s on par with most receivers IMO.
The Proton is AB.
BTW, There are also some amps out there that are both A &AB, at lower outputs they play pure class A, when you turn them up, the biasing on the circuits changes and converts it to AB. In the early 90’s JVC made some really nice sounding components with this technology.