Alright. I have some more updated graphs.
I had to position my subwoofer about half a meter out fromt eh corner. Unfortunately I don't have the luxury to place it where I would like.
This is my unequalized graph (I have maintained the same settings as before in the menu :
This is my equalized graph :
This graph is equalized except I closed the door directly behind me :
Then, what I did was I took my unequalized graph and calibrated so that my subwoofer was producing 73 to 74 dB's using pink noise on AVR. This gave me a level setting on the Velodyne as
Due to input distortion that might be a problem with the SMS-1 (according to Home Theater Shack) I took my sub level and increased it to -10 (it's lowest setting).
This is the uneq'ed graph but calibrated flat in term of level :
I think I may have increased the graph levels slightly (about 81-82 dB's more or less)
And finally, my eq'ed graph (preset 5) calibrated using pink noise on AVR. In order for me to reach 73-74 dB's, the SMS-1 volume level of 15 was perfect.
Listening to music, I find that bass sounds a fuller than before and sounds great on some music but boomy on others (more so than it was before). It sounds full but then on some music it almost sounds overly boomy.
Movies suffer from the same problem as before. In the dojo sequence in the Matrix, Neo falls down hard on the mat. This has 20 hz material in it.
Unequalized, I can clearly perceive a greater depth to the low frequencies. Neo falls down hard several times within the sequence and there is deep bass there. In this mode, the hits had power and depth.
The equalized results were again, really disappointing. It's almost as if the results from the graphs do not reflect what I'm hearing/feeling. I increased bass across the range of frequencies. I should be getting increased perceived level of bass but it's the complete opposite. I get audibly less impact, or extension on the same scenes.
Why on earth would this be ?
I'm really not sure why this is but I might not be doing something right (which is definitely a possibility). I suspect that the subsonic limiter is kicking in more than it should on the SMS-1.
Thoughts, suggestions would be most welcome.