I have gotten no response from
subreddits, over the past few months - so I figured I would ask here.
I have had a Marantz SR-6008 for maybe eight years now - it’s a really solid receiver that fits my setup well and works for my apartment. However, the front left channel will fluctuate where the signal gets very faint for several days - months even, then without warning, it’s back to full strength. The last time i brought it to get repaired the issue could not be replicated (I still paid a boatload for their time however). I’m tired of spending money on this unit. Before you ask, I have tested the speakers by switching inputs, and it is not the speakers themselves but the front left input itself. I use banana plugs for my speakers - would i have better luck going straight into the unit?
Apparently, this is a phenomena that
others have experienced as well.
Can anyone help me out here? Thanks in advance.