Movies you were supposed to like, but didn't



I'm surprised no one listed Lost in Translation. This was a bit amusing, but c'mon it was nothing close to the hype that surrounded it. I think if it had a different director it would have gone largely unoticed.

How about American Beauty. Again there was so much hype that this was the next best thing to sliced bread. It was ok, but just didn't live up to the hype.


Audioholic Jedi
Shadow_Ferret said:
Airplane WAS cutting edge humor, as probably Blazing Saddles was before it.

Seen today, out of context of the times, they probably don't seem very cutting edge. I'll bet many don't find Martin and Lewis or The Marx Brothers very cutting edge today either. But they were in their day. Just as the TV show Laugh-In was cutting edge. And the TV show "Police Squad" (made by the creators of Airplane).

But these were movies that moved the bar, pushed the envelope, paved the way for the humor of today. They were doing things that just hadn't been done or were thought of as "forbidden."

I can't say Austin Powers was very cutting edge in that respect.
Groucho Marx was cutting edge. I still find the Marx bros. movies funny. Airplane was not; it was highschool humor/satire - fart jokes for lack of a better term, as is Austin Powers. I call it "stupid funny" because it so stupid that you laugh. Mole.


Audioholic Ninja
-Anything with Ben Stiller in it
-Van Helsing (Not sure if I was supposed to like it, but it was a TERRIBLE movie)

As for DareDevil, I think this sums it up pretty well:

On an opposite note...

Finding Neverland was a surprisingly good movie that was made to look absolutely terrible and goofy by all the previews.


Audioholic Chief
j_garcia said:
Groucho Marx was cutting edge. I still find the Marx bros. movies funny. Airplane was not; it was highschool humor/satire - fart jokes for lack of a better term, as is Austin Powers. I call it "stupid funny" because it so stupid that you laugh. Mole.
At 10, I'm not sure you would have gotten the context of the movie. It was a satire on the entire disaster movie genre that had permeated the 70s. As I said, nowadays it probably hasn't aged well, after 25 years the jokes seem stale, but at the time it was considered as one of the best satire films of all time.

*shrugs* Don't mean to argue with you. I just don't think Austin Powers compares. AP was stale from day one. ;)


Audioholic Chief
jaxvon said:
-Anything with Ben Stiller in it
-Van Helsing (Not sure if I was supposed to like it, but it was a TERRIBLE movie)

As for DareDevil, I think this sums it up pretty well:
I'll agree with Ben Stiller and add anything with Will Farrell in it.

Aw, I love Van Helsing. :( Or at least Kate Beckinsale. ;)


Audioholic Jedi
Shadow_Ferret said:
At 10, I'm not sure you would have gotten the context of the movie. It was a satire on the entire disaster movie genre that had permeated the 70s. As I said, nowadays it probably hasn't aged well, after 25 years the jokes seem stale, but at the time it was considered as one of the best satire films of all time.

*shrugs* Don't mean to argue with you. I just don't think Austin Powers compares. AP was stale from day one. ;)
I was already an avid movie goer at 10 (and a big fan of all those disaster movies), because that was what you did in the 70s at that age. Some of the humor was lost on me, but seeing it again years later, it was funny. Watching it today, it is definitely dated and not as funny. I'm not saying AP is groundbreaking or anything, but I do find them funny. :)

Van Helsing fan here too (or rather Kate...;) )

One thing that I find very interesting is that I tend to have a different opinion of certain movies when I watch them on DVD vs in the theater. There are periods when we go to a lot of movies in the theater and then there are periods where I wouldn't waste $10 to see anything that's playing so we fire up the HT. I try to catch what seem like big blockbuster type movies in the theater because they don't always have the same effect at home, regardless of the system.


Audioholic Ninja
Shadow_Ferret said:
I'll agree with Ben Stiller and add anything with Will Farrell in it.

Aw, I love Van Helsing. :( Or at least Kate Beckinsale. ;)
The only redeeming thing about Van Helsing was the inclusion of hot actresses. It's the only thing that kept me from turning it off. Seriously though, the whole time I was thinking to myself, "Aw man, that was cheeeeeesy". I think it's what Army of Darkness would look like if it were made now, except for the part where Army of Darkness kicks a ton of a$$ and Van Helsing just doesn't. Sure he has cool gadgets, but Ash is 100x cooler than Van Helsing.

The Dukester

Audioholic Chief
I didn't like Gladiator at all. To me the lion scenes looked way to CG. Many of my friends thought it was the best, but not I!
Another movie I thought stunk was MIB 2. Talk about a let down after the original. Crikes. I didn't like the AP movies, either. I watched the first one through, the second about half way. That's it.
I heard a lot of hype about The Ring, also, but it didn't bowl me over.

A couple of others:
X-men (X-2 was much better)
Master and Commander
Scorpian King
Rob Babcock

Rob Babcock

I'd have to say War of the Worlds. A pretty weak offering IMO.


Audioholic Jedi
The Dukester said:
I didn't like Gladiator at all. To me the lion scenes looked way to CG. Many of my friends thought it was the best, but not I!
They weren't CG, they were real, but they were composited.


Senior Audioholic
When I saw this I had to add my $.02 The nominees are:

Sleepless in Seattle
Titanic (Don't get me wrong, excellent sound and visual effects. I just didn't go ga-ga over it)
Phantom Menace


Audioholic Intern
The Piano

I love Harvey Kietel but that movie was wretched.

It's not the movies themselves but the butchering George Lucas did to the original Star Wars was just frustrating. The CG looks so out of place.


Audioholic Samurai
macersl said:
The Piano

I love Harvey Kietel but that movie was wretched.
Agreed, horibble movie, but you do get to see Holly Hunter naked.


Junior Audioholic
I agree with van helsing terrible movie I turned it off in the first 30 minutes. I don't think you were suppost to like sky captain and the world of tommorow but my buddy thought I should so we went and saw it and it totally sucked, the funny thing being is that he didn't want to go see Sin City like I didn't want to go see Sky Captain but he had to since I saw that ****ty movie he acted as though he didn't like Sin City but he did love Sky Captain but he ended up buying Sin City on DVD the day it came out and he didn't get Sky Captain so I gave him **** about it :). Didn't care for WOTW also but I bought the only thing I liked about the movie was the erry Tim Robbins character. Never thought the Exorcist was good/scary, Superman 1 & 2 sucked never even considered waching 3 & 4.


Senior Audioholic
Too many to list

My lists are as follows:
- Aviator
- Spiderman 1
- The ring 2
- Napoleon Dynamite
- Gigli (given..hehhehe)
- many others


Full Audioholic
masak_aer said:
My lists are as follows:
- Gigli (given..hehhehe)
...I thought this was a list of movies you were SUPPOSED to like but didn't. ;)


Audioholic Intern
I guess I'm the only one to mention the most over hyped and awarded movie trilogy of all time. Terrible movies, all of them, especially the last one, what, like three climaxes and four battle scenes with teary eyed reunions every other scene, gees, they broke every law in movie making yet everyone stood up an applauded these stinkers and I was dumb enough to buy them all.

Lord of The Rings, yuck!


Audioholic Warlord
Top of my list?

Blair Witch Project - Flat out a dumb movie with a poor concept. An ancient concept really, following typical paths and then they use a regular camcorder to make it appear more realistic. Anyone who is serious about film making loves it - anyone who actually likes good films, hated it. It is entirely built around a pompous film makers guild instead of the concept of actually making a decent movie. Boring, not scary, slow, and hard to watch.

Cape Fear - That one really struck me as a bunch of dumb heroes that were being outwitted by a crook. It was like Home Alone for adults. A good movie needs smart bad guys and smart GOOD guys also!

Panic Room - Ditto, except everyone seemed a bit mentally challenged.

Unbreakable - Yes, I fell asleep during it. Why bother? Bruce Willis is one of the most flat actors I've ever seen, but usually the movies he selects work well around that level of charisma. Not this one!

Those are the movies that got solid reviews and I would give a 2 stars or less rating to. There are tons of movies I haven't liked, but reviewers didn't like them as well. Hulk, Daredevil, Hitchhikers Guide, etc.

Some people hate block busters to hate them. I go to movies to watch a movie. I set the bar low, and if a movie does better than that, I walk away happy. Heck, if I'm blowing 30 bucks or more to take my wife to a movie I WANT to enjoy it - not hate it!


Audioholic Warlord
brian32672 said:
Ok guys look through this list to see which ones you thought were terrible.
Please know, the list is not complete I still have a lot of entries to put in. (about 80, mostly DTS)
It is a text file that was zipped. I recommend to just use wordpad. Not Microsoft Word.
Hopefully that's just a list of movies you have seen and not ones you actively dislike.

If so - well, I don't know what to say. Always thought this was supposed to be fun.


Got a new one to add to the list:

King Kong 2005

Saw it last night...........1 hour of action, 2 hours of HELL :mad:

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