Movie moments that startled/scared the bejeezes out if you



j_garcia said:
Meet Joe Black - when Brad Pitt is walking across the street and gets hit and flung through the air. I was not expecting that.
Yeah that was pretty wicked. Specially since it was kind of a romantic scene just prior.

BTW, I have seen to many movies to recall stuff like this. (however, I'm not into horror movies-Way to fake for me. Some originals were good, like The Omen, The Excorcist, but most are just to hokey)


Audioholic Ninja
MDS said:
No offense to fans of the Alien series but I don't think it's scary at all. I think the aliens are disgusting looking, but no more.
Were you there in 1979 when Alien was released? It was quite remarkable for it's time and quite advanced for it's pre-cg special FX. There litterally was nothing like it out at the time. One looks at it now or on big deal as we're spoiled by relentless computer graphics.

Anyway, the question was "what movie scared the bejeezes out of you"...and for me, that's it...Alien! I found myself having to put my Pepsi down on the floor so I had an excuse to sit on the edge of my seat and look away every now and then. The tension was...uh, intense! :) There were a couple of scenes that made me wanna stay awake late that night. But the coup de diapers was when the infant alien sprang from the guy's stomach. HOLY SMOKES! :eek: THAT was really different back in 1979!
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Junior Audioholic
boondock saints - When Rocco slams his fists on the table and the gun goes off shooting the cat against the wall, caught me off guard and made me laugh for days

Pulp Fiction - Kind of the same seen, Jackson hits a bump travolta's gun goes off shooting that dude from Mad tv.

Seven - Sound effects scared me on this one, when spacey is acting like he's going for his keys and pulls out his gun and shoots the shot startled me a bit. Picked it up at wally world yesterday for $10 and suprise its DTS 6.1 descrete es, not even special edition or anyting also had dolby 6.1 ex I believe.
John S

John S

Audioholic Intern
soundsfine said:
An old one, but... "Wait Until Dark" at the end.
It's the only time I've jumped 3 ft up from a theater seat. :eek:


Audioholic General
Mid-air collision in "Fight Club"- that DVD has amazing sound despite the age, that scene made me jump the first time, and has made everyone I've watched it with do the same.

There'a a scene with Elmer and Bugs Bunny in the new Family guy DVD that made me flinch pretty good I'll admit. I never saw that one coming.


Full Audioholic
I would have to say one of the most horrific movie scenes I've ever seen is the shot of Kathy Bates' backside during the hottub scene in About Schmidt.


Audioholic General
Org Exorcist. Saw it in the Theater and EVERYBODY came out looking ill,scared,sweating and red in the face. I'll never forget it.


Audioholic Jedi
Just remembered one more. In Se7en, when the SWAT team goes in and finds the guy tied to the bed...OMG, I almost had a heart attack the first time I saw that one.

The Prequel for Exorcist was more sickening than scary. Didn't really do it for me.


Audioholic Warlord
I just got back from the Theater, went and watched Doom.

I have beaten the game, and I must say, this movie is much different. But it still scare's the pants off of you. If you can take The Rock, its a great one for the gamers.



The original Amityvill Horror in a full theatre, James Brolin is asleep on the patio when out of nowhere a cat, hisses and all, hits the screen. Almost had a herat attack and lost my hearing at the same time.

Also in Aliens, Tom Skeritt in the ventilation system....we all know what comes next!


Audioholic Field Marshall
I remember watching Friday the 13th for the first time at a friends house.(they had HBO) This was relatively soon after it's theatrical release in the early 80's. I was middle school age at the time. The friend lived 1 block from my house, and I remember running home in the dark as fast as I could after the movie ended.

The original Nightmare on Elm Street had a similar effect.


Full Audioholic
Not a scary movie, but there is a scene in King Kong that made me jump out of my chair. When King Kong first captures Ann, Kong falls asleep and she tries to escape, it seems like she is going to get away and BAM! Kong's foot stomps on the ground blocking her path. There is a very strong bass pulse that hits you in the chest, it really caught me off guard.


Audioholic General
The Exorcist – when the mother is in the room, the door slams & the very large heavy dresser starts sliding across the floor towards her (shudders)

Also, The Changeling. When George C Scott walks back into the house after throwing the ball in the river, and it’s bouncing down the stairs at him. Or, when he’s listening to the playback of the tape made during the séance, and you can hear the voices.

And while this isn’t a move, some of the video/audio on Ghost Hunters can be very chilling.


Audioholic Spartan
Definitely the scene in forgotten when the car gets slammed into, I jumped during that scene. There were some pretty scary parts in the grudge 2 as well.


Audioholic General
When I was 10, my folks went out for the evening, so I decided to watch "The Exorcist" in the basement with the lights out (It was being broadcast on a local channel). I had heard the movie was scary, but the beginning is so slow (for a 10 year old mind you) by the time the movie was halfway done I was terrified to move (thought the devil was in my basement) and I was just petrified. I made a mad dash to my friend Ricky's house (he lived four houses down from me) and he answers the door, and says, "Hey Matt glad you stopped by, my family and I are just watching "The Exorcist" needless to say I refused to watch that movie till I was 17.
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Audioholic General
The next time was when I was a teenager and my folks were going out for dinner and I told them I was going to watch "Psycho" the original, anyway I'm watching it when my folks came home and my father saw the infamous shower scene was coming up, (my folks had glass doors throught the house) so what does the old man do, he sneaks around the house, climbs a seven foot wall around our pool and enters the house via a pool door he has outside his bedroom door. He creeps down the hall and gets right behind me, just when the shower curtain opens, He grabs my shoulders and lets out this blood curling scream. I swear he took off about 10 years of my life with that one and my mother who was watching this all unfold through the glass double doors behind me was laughing her butt off.
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Audioholic General
The final time was when I was in college living near campus in an apartment. I couldnt sleep, so I was up at 1 a.m. watching John Carpenters "The Prince of Darkness" on late night TV. Just when you know what is about to hit the fan and I am on the edge of my seat, my GF who never comes over that late at night, decided she couldnt sleep either and came over and pounded at the door (thinking I was asleep and needed to knock loud to wake me) I jumped so high and it scared the heck out me. She just laughed about it, but it took me awhile to get my heart out of my throat on that one. Since then, i can watch any scary movie and it doesnt make me budge, because I can pretty mcuh guess when something will jump out, but my current GF is very easily scared, so I watch scary movies just to see her jump. Heck sometimes, I'll just grab her arm during a tense scene, just to watch her jump and scream. :D
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