Movie moments that startled/scared the bejeezes out if you Not really "scary" movies, but those moments of surprise that catch you off gaurd. What started the thought was watching THE FORGOTTEN, I know, not reviewed well at all, but nothing on, it was on STARZ and in DD, so we watched it. Anyway, when they were driving down the street at night and they got slammed into the side by another car, made myself and wife jump.
We had it turned up pretty good so the impact was pretty intense. Then when they are introgating the guy in the cabin and all of a sudden he's gone.
But I suppose the classic pick is in JAWS when the head pops into the porthole in the night diving scene. Sure I can think of others, but those came to mind first. The funniest is when we were watching Italian Job after installing the Sub Woofer, our parrot was cover up for the night and sleeping on his perch. When the explosion at the beginning went off, so did the bird. We heard him drop to the bottom of the cage
He's alright and used to it now.