OK, the only problem is that I'm in the UK, and buying stuff from the US usually goes like this:
(imaginary world)
1. Order product from US site
2. US site ships product to you
(real world)
1. Order product from US site
2. US site ships product to you, but it's intercepted by UK Customs, who charge you:
a) 17.5% VAT (Vulture Added Tax) on the goods value
b) Some extra percentage tax on the goods value (duty)
c) A Customs handling charge - i.e. a charge for the priviledge of them stopping your item and charging you. *sigh*
I could of course look for a UK supplier, but in my experience (certainly of tools) you'll pay the dollar price as pounds (or more). With the current exhange rate, you're looking at roughly twice the cost for the same item.
~Rule Brittania, Brittania rules... well... f**ck all really~