The problem I'm referring to is diffraction loss. There is a first order loss below a frequency which is a function of driver size and baffle width.
In the vintage speakers with 10, 12 and 15 inch speakers in wide baffles this was not a factor. There have been many members on these forums yearning for the type of bass those older speakers produced.
Now there has rightly been a trend to small bass/mids in narrow cabinets. So we now have the problem of diffraction loss. This requires dropping the impedance progressively below the shelving point, when using passive crossovers.
I have come to realize that is these receivers that are incapable of driving this type of load that has skewed the speaker design square so to speak.
This has resulted in far less than optimal designs. Because of problems mentioned on these forums, I have seen some crossovers that are frankly horrific on digging into the issue.
So the yes, I believe that a large segment of the market being dominated by receivers with amplification that is incapable of correctly driving a passive diffraction compensated speaker, has skewed the market.
One of the things that came out of the Canadian research was listener preference for speakers properly balanced in the mid and upper bass. This is especially crucial for classical music. In fact I would say this trend has been a significant impediment to bringing classical music before a wider public.
The result is a string sound that is thin and lacks body, and the brass has too much lip over bell. For signers that are not eating the microphone, there is too much head voice over chest voice.
Anyhow, what I have noticed is that this issue leads to subs set at too high a level to compensate for lack of correct balance from 80 Hz to 400 Hz. It masks it, but its not correct.