BJP said:
newfmp3, how do you find the VTF3 Mk2 with movies? I heard that the HSU is musical, while the SVS is great with HT. I know we are getting a bit off topic, but since I got you here...
No problem
I've heard the stf is more musical, but not the vtf....anyways, I'm pretty picky with bass, yes it is awesome for music, but I can't believe what I am hearing for movies. The sub hits hard, very hard, and it's not slow like most 12's I've heard. I usually play return of the king when someone wants to hear it for movies. You know that battle scene, where the large elephant type creatures come out. Well, lets just say that everyone is impressed with this thing. I got a laugh at the womans father when he was over, he kept looking at his shirt so I had to ask wtf was he doing? He said, "My shirt, it's actually moving evertime those elephants walk"

hee hee, kind of gives me that proud ownership feeling
The vtf3 is the one purchase besides my axioms that I have absolutely no regrets about. Even if I could afford more, I don't know why I would need more then the vtf3. It's the one piece of my equipment I think most people notice the most. It's big yes, but it's one of the best subs I've heard bar none. I have never heard it bottom out, and I can't imagine the volumes it would take to do it.
I have not heard svs. wanted to try one, but with the duties/shipping it wasn't worth it. I know HSU owners that left SVS because of quality issues, but again, you'll find that with every brand so it might not mean anything.
If you get this thing, and you have hardwood, put something under it. It'll kill your floors at 82 lbs and carpet spikes. If you have thick carpet as I do, raise the carpet spikes, give the woofer enough room to breathe. They can be adjusted for thick carpets.