Hee! Hee! Are we getting under your skin?
Are you aware that Canada has one of the most tightly regulated banking systems in the world? And, are you also aware
the soundest banking system in the world is also in Canada? Coincedence? I think not...
Fact is, Canadian banks have weathered the meltdown with little pain. All five of the largest Canadian banks are on the list of the world's 50 safest banks. The ratings were issued by Standard & Poor's, Moody’s and Fitch and reported by Global Finance magazine.
Those 5 banks have all been targeted for aquisition by other international banks because they are so attractive. However, the Canadian Banking act forbids it. Pretty fortunate really.
Sure, capitalism is the best economic system. But, capitalists are only capitalists when things are going well. It's human nature. I remember about 25 -30 years ago, when Harley-Davidson was on the ropes, because they were building crap bikes and were being hammered by better, cheaper Japanese bikes. So, they persuaded the US government to put tariffs on large displacement Japanese bikes.
Same thing was going on with the auto industry. And now, Canadian softwood lumber also faces US (so much for NAFTA
) tariffs, because most Canadian lumber comes from crown land and the stumpage fees are low for harvesters. Most US lumber comes from private land and I guess the landowners can't (or don't want) to compete.
Sometimes business people need to be protected from themselves. Don't get me wrong - I'm not a socialist, by nature. I consider myself to be a pragmatist. I say whatever works, is fine by me. One shouldn't let himself be handcuffed by ideology. I can't recall who said it, but a favourite quote of mine is: "The worst thing about socialism is socialists, the worst thing about capitalism is capitalists." I take this to mean that both systems
could work perfectly - if we weren't human beings.