I would ask them how Monster changed the law of physics and was able to makle a cable that could alter the speed of a digital signal. *Their Ultra HDMi claims this). Then when he gives you some BS answer just laugh in his face.
Also tell him when he can do a blind A/B study with two equal lnegth cables one from the internet and one Monster and can show with aboslute certainty that Monster can alter the digital signal to create a better picture than please ask the reps to come here and post the "proof" on this, otherwise tell em their no better than P.T. Barnum.
I was a store once where they had some Monster reps having an "open meeting" with customers about how much better their cables where and I brought up these very same issues and even offered to buy a store brand cable and Monster brand and have them do the comparison right there, and they refused. Needless to say they left quickly after starting this meeting.