I have a 65 inch Mitsubishi rear projection TV I bought in 2004. While watching it last night, with no previous similar problems, the picture became bizarre. At the top left quadrant there was a sweeping line which formed a type of bubble area. In the bubble the color was distorted, mostly red.
In the middle part of the screen there were double images, like ghost images but very exaggerated. About 1/4 of a person's face was doubled.
Any text on the screen( as well as the images) was also doubled and the text on top would be green and on the bottom would be purple.
I ruled out the cable box as the problem as switching to the Wii input yielded the same picture. I rest the system as well as the audio/video with no success. I checked the cables and they were secure.
After restting, I did get a brief message at the bottom about a lack of cable color input, the typical message you get when the cables are disconnected. I checked them again and they were fine.
Is this a bulb issue? Any help would be apporeciated. Thanks