Watch out!...
Hi-Fi ve said:
New guy here. Please take it easy on me, I'm here to learn.
Being uninformed on vinyl, I have to wonder, tube amps are not good match for them? comes one of those snot-ball opinions you were warned about...
Thinkin' about it, vinyl and tubes do sorta' go together...All vinyl before the advent of SS gear was most likely recorded, mixed, mastered and cut using tubed analog gear...and even after SS took hold in the consumer market there were probably few recording studios/companies who would spring for updating their gear, particularly for the pop side of the house...It was the classical and specialty companies that embraced digital in it's beginnings, so it's stands to reason that's pretty much how the changover from vacuum tubes to semiconductors went...and there are companies who do still make analog tubed electronics, like Avalon, for the pro market...however...
No matter how you slice and dice it, tube technology for playback is really an really can't do much to re-invent the single-end triode amp...You can use fancy, directional wire, silver solder and all the rest of the audiophool hoo-ha but...but...given the fact there are no US mfrs. of 6L6s and 12AX7s etc. you have to rely on the crap-shoot that is NOS (New Old Stock) of 30-50 yr-old domestic product or high-priced Sovtek or Chinese imports...and the only real reason the Russkis kept usin' them is because they will survive the EMP of a nuclear weapon, though certainly not the blast...
Tubes do sound different and some prefer and swear by them, but IMHO unless you have your father's or grandfather's cherry vintage gear or discovered a cache of tube-recorded vinyl and are looking for some sort of retro, kindred synergy from the comtemporary purveyors of valve technology, you really need to ask yourself: why?
jimHJJ(...guitar amps? Well that's a whole 'nother thing...)
P.S. Most of my stuff is vinyl/analog tape and I have < 50 CDs only a very few of which are dupes of my analog collection...I like the ritual of vinyl...CDs are quieter obviously, but it's reduced the overall experience to something like making toast.