There are people who can afford nearly $10K for a compact music system, and there are those who can't. I don't think it's much of a stretch to say that regardless of which one you are, you know which one you are.
If I were one of those who could afford it without sacrificing some other necessary purchase, I probably would buy one of these, actually.
Before I retired (due to health issues) I worked with many clients for whom this system is easily affordable, and if they asked, I'd tell them to buy one.
Alas, I'm not in the same financial reality as pretty much any of my clients. The 7,500 clams I'd need to put this unit in my living room (heck, let's put it in the bedroom and something else in the living room) would represent a fairly large percentage of my annual income.
But, I'm not going to go into a "don't review this megabuck stuff, please" rant. I actually like reading about stuff I can't afford; doesn't everybody know you need something to dream about?