I just found out something really cool that solved my TV room problem. The Oppo 205 that I just bought can accept a firmware upgrade from Roon that will allow me to stream directly to the Oppo! So that pretty much means I will sign up for Roon. That means I will be able to stream my music to directly to the Oppo in the TV setup and to my two Windows desktops, leaving only the living room to solve.
Or maybe I can look into the way you are communicating with your Oppo and do the same thing cheaper. And maybe your stringing a second Wire from the Oppo in the TV room to the amp in the living room would work?? Wire wouldn’t be easy, but it’d sure be cheap.
So, I’ll keep working on that, but the hurry bug that’s been biting me has stopped itching so bad and I can take my time on this last piece.