So who owns Fosgate? I thought that company had been sold some years back. I recall back in the late 80s early 90s, Fosgate was top of the line. Hell, I fondly remember my first punch 45 amp. That little monster was balls. Now I see the equipment at big box stores.
When I was pricing recently I asked about Phoenix gold, and the store told me to avoid them now. Then I asked about Precision Power, and they too were said to be poor quality.
I guess my question is, who is making the quality gear now a days?
Sorry for the thread jack.
Rockford Corporation is:
Rockford Fosgate
MB Quart
Fosgate Electronics
...and a few others
Precision Power or PPI is owned by the Directed Electronics conglomerate. Their brands include:
Precision Power
...and a few others
Almost all companies are owned by someone else. Many of which are shells of their former selves.
The independent companies that are high quality and still operating like old are:
JL Audio (Still independent. Lucio Proni still heads up Woofer R&D and they stole Bruce Macmillan from Xtant (designer for PPI powerclass amplifiers and started Xtant) to head up amplifier design)
Eclipse (Still owned by Fujitsu Ten)
Clarion (I believe is a DM Holdings company now)
MTX Audio (Though is becoming a large corporation itself)
Image Dynamics (Barely alive to my understanding)
Earthquake (May have been purchased as well)
Morel (Re-invigorated)
Infinity & JBL (Still owned by Harman International but are making good quality products)
It is a very short list of companies that are still privately owned.
The market changed when DB drag racing took over the competition scene. It was all about loud and not what sounded good. Kids realized they could make a system loud without spending money on the good stuff. Mp3 and other things have not helped in that area either. The focus shifted from a high quality sound system that sounded good and balanced, to one that was all boom and a bit of sizzle. The lack of quality audio shops changing properly with the market place hurt many of the independent companies as well.
Here is a casualty list of companies who do not still create the high end products that got them the name in the first place:
Alpine (decent but not the same as it was)
Orion (decent)
Precision Power (decent)
Rockford Fosgate
Linear Power
U.S. Amps (Now made in China

There are a lot of new companies out there that are mainly internet direct that make some decent stuff as well.