Maybe amps really do something



Audioholic Ninja
I saw a cool T-shirt at a BBQ store the other day. It read something like,

"Animals have their place. And it's right next to my mashed potatoes."

Love it.... PETA = People Eating Tasty Animals !!!!

Woot !!


Audioholic Overlord that I have had a couple of drinks (for you Adam) and have the volume at a decent level, I can really tell a difference. Music is flat and boring, me needs an amp!

I feel Pure Direct coming on but I know it will blow a speaker and my dealer is mad at me!


Audioholic Jedi
The prodigal son has returned, and we welcome you back with open arms!

I was going to have a beer, but I fixed a cup of decaf coffee instead. I have a bit more work to do today before I can partake.


Audioholic Overlord
I don't really understand working over drinking.....
The prodigal son has returned, and we welcome you back with open arms!

I was going to have a beer, but I fixed a cup of decaf coffee instead. I have a bit more work to do today before I can partake.


Audioholic Jedi
Well, I figured out the problem that I was having with my work project, so I just popped open a cold one. Still a bit more work to do, but that was a nice success.


Audioholic Ninja
Funny this post you started Dawg......

I pulled that Rotel out today to make sure you got it before I even got the check, as my good friend shouldn't have to wait, just the same kind of attitude you have towards others... :)

I hooked up my Studio's back up to my Pioneer receiver today, and my son didn't notice..... Straight out after about 20 mins, he came to me while I was cooking..... "Somethings wrong with the system" What do you mean....?

"There is no kick or punch to the sound, it sounds like cr@p.... I think there is something wrong.."

That put a smile on my face, knowing I have molded him into some appreciation of the intricacies of sonic quality... or is that more like - what have I done..??


Audioholic Overlord
That's awesome Warp!

Make sure your Son gets a good job.....
Funny this post you started Dawg......

I pulled that Rotel out today to make sure you got it before I even got the check, as my good friend shouldn't have to wait, just the same kind of attitude you have towards others... :)

I hooked up my Studio's back up to my Pioneer receiver today, and my son didn't notice..... Straight out after about 20 mins, he came to me while I was cooking..... "Somethings wrong with the system" What do you mean....?

"There is no kick or punch to the sound, it sounds like cr@p.... I think there is something wrong.."

That put a smile on my face, knowing I have molded him into some appreciation of the intricacies of sonic quality... or is that more like - what have I done..??


Audioholic Ninja
Hahaha now why should he do that when he can just sit around and gobble up all of my throw aways when I upgrade as often as I do.... :rolleyes:

At any rate, its pretty funny how there was such a major SQ difference from the Rotel back to the reciever, after he had mentioned that and we finished dinner, I went and sat down with him as he was watching a movie and it was very clear to me that something was off. AS you said it sounded thin and not nearly expansive. Suddenly the sparkle was lost.

I am looking forward to getting my new amp, it really added another dimension to my other setup with the Sigs, but at the same time I also wonder how much better it will be when I replace my receivers with a dedicated PreAmp.... I can't seem to narrow it down to something that has everything just right...


Audioholic Overlord
I have no idea who you are or what you are talking about. This is my first post on this forum and all the sudden you are acting like I bought an amp from you. Please do not continue to harrass me.......:eek::eek::eek:

I pulled that Rotel out today to make sure you got it before I even got the check, as my good friend shouldn't have to wait, just the same kind of attitude you have towards others... :)



Senior Audioholic that I have had a couple of drinks (for you Adam) and have the volume at a decent level, I can really tell a difference. Music is flat and boring, me needs an amp!

I feel Pure Direct coming on but I know it will blow a speaker and my dealer is mad at me!
And why is your dealer mad at you? I think that is the major question here.:D:D:D


Audioholic Slumlord
Serious Post

So we have a couple of guys on opposite ends of the country talking about how much better their amps sound over their rec'rs. Even though I personally haven't taken the time to even A/B test anything, I would love to see you guys make an attempt at DBT'ing this. I'm sure that you guys are satisfied that your observations are valid. It's just that I would love to see a view such as this one undergo a test and still stand.

The objectivists have their tests where large groups of people are used to prove their point. I would just like to see a case like this one with the amps, undergo a structured comparison 'by believers' that can hold it's ground with the barkings of the rabid objectivists.

The fact that the rabid DBT'ers are holding still for this is a real testament to how well you guys are liked around here. BTW, I could definitely hear a difference when I plugged my subwoofer in with a 'fictitious creature' subwoofer cable that had arrows on it.:D I have since come to believe that it's all in my head but I still use that cable.:)

Not So Serious Post
Because you'd be more satisfying to them alive? :p
No. Because they didn't like what they saw up there.
I'll PM you a picture.:eek::D


Audioholic Overlord
Warp will have to test this for you. I don't like people so I am not inviting a lot over.:eek:
So we have a couple of guys on opposite ends of the country talking about how much better their amps sound over their rec'rs. Even though I personally haven't taken the time to even A/B test anything, I would love to see you guys make an attempt at DBT'ing this. I'm sure that you guys are satisfied that your observations are valid. It's just that I would love to see a view such as this one undergo a test and still stand.

The objectivists have their tests where large groups of people are used to prove their point. I would just like to see a case like this one with the amps, undergo a structured comparison 'by believers' that can hold it's ground with the barkings of the rabid objectivists.

The fact that the rabid DBT'ers are holding still for this is a real testament to how well you guys are liked around here. BTW, I could definitely hear a difference when I plugged my subwoofer in with a 'fictitious creature' subwoofer cable that had arrows on it.:D I have since come to believe that it's all in my head but I still use that cable.:)

Not So Serious Post

No. Because they didn't like what they saw up there.
I'll PM you a picture.:eek::D

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