Senior Audioholic
Full disclosure: I'm a Marvel Zombie. When it comes to comic books, movies etc, as Stan Lee (RIP) would say 'Make mine Marvel !'.
I haven't collected comic books since I was a kid, but I had a few buddies who still dabbled, so I kept up with it over the years. When they started making good movies (starting with the first X-Men and then Spider-Man movies) I was like a kid in a candy store. I've followed the MCU since then, and have seen every movie in the library (except that terrible Fantastic Four remake in 2015, which I absolutely refuse to watch) at least 2x, and the majority of them in the theatre.
I also throughly enjoyed the Netflix Marvel shows, though due to work and homelife commitments I didn't quite get to watch all of the season of all of the shows before they left Netflix. I've yet to finish watching season 2 of Luke Cage, and Iron First. Otherwise, I've watched all the rest. I never got into the Inhumans, nor Agents of SHIELD. I am excited about the upcoming Disney+ series: WandaVision, Falcon and The Winter Soldier and Loki, and cautiously optimistic about some of the other shows they've announced.
Without further adieu, here are my top 10 Marvel movies:
1) The Avengers
2) Captain America and The Winter Soldier
3) Logan
4) Deadpool
5) Thor: Ragnarok
6) Guardians of The Galaxy: Volume 1
7) Iron Man 1
8) Dr. Strange
9) Avengers: Infinity War
10) DoFP
Honourable mention:
Hulk (Ang Lee version)
GoTG: Volume 2
X-Men First Class
I look forward to your personal ratings, and any discussion on the topic at hand.
I haven't collected comic books since I was a kid, but I had a few buddies who still dabbled, so I kept up with it over the years. When they started making good movies (starting with the first X-Men and then Spider-Man movies) I was like a kid in a candy store. I've followed the MCU since then, and have seen every movie in the library (except that terrible Fantastic Four remake in 2015, which I absolutely refuse to watch) at least 2x, and the majority of them in the theatre.
I also throughly enjoyed the Netflix Marvel shows, though due to work and homelife commitments I didn't quite get to watch all of the season of all of the shows before they left Netflix. I've yet to finish watching season 2 of Luke Cage, and Iron First. Otherwise, I've watched all the rest. I never got into the Inhumans, nor Agents of SHIELD. I am excited about the upcoming Disney+ series: WandaVision, Falcon and The Winter Soldier and Loki, and cautiously optimistic about some of the other shows they've announced.
Without further adieu, here are my top 10 Marvel movies:
1) The Avengers
2) Captain America and The Winter Soldier
3) Logan
4) Deadpool
5) Thor: Ragnarok
6) Guardians of The Galaxy: Volume 1
7) Iron Man 1
8) Dr. Strange
9) Avengers: Infinity War
10) DoFP
Honourable mention:
Hulk (Ang Lee version)
GoTG: Volume 2
X-Men First Class
I look forward to your personal ratings, and any discussion on the topic at hand.
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