When shopping for a pair of speakers in that price range, nobody should be concerned about anything but the aesthetics of a given pair. They certainly shouldn’t have to be concerned with them damaging their receiver. Issues such as those concerning the XT F100 are unacceptable at that price point and in no way a “good value.”
Giving it the best “mid-priced” tower speaker prize is, well, at the very, very least irresponsible. I’m mean, how is one not also participating in bulls#%t marketing tactics when calling it a “good value” but at the same time warning they may destroy, excuse me, may prove to be a “difficult load” for lower end receivers?
If a high cost, yes $4,500 is high cost for many, pair of speakers places anybody’s receiver in danger, it has no f#%kin’ value. It certainly isn’t the “best.” “Deck the forums with threads of folly, fa la la la la, la la la la… Tis’ the season to be dodgy, fa la la la la, la la la la!”