I just got a factory Refurb Yamaha TSR-7810, the same as the RX-V781, except sold at Costco. Looks brand new, smelled like brand new, works like brand new. My cats avoided it like it was on fire. Until Sunday. For the price, it was a no brainer. I've owned Yamaha receivers going back 40 years. Never had any real issues with any of them. I recently retired my 12 year old RX-V659, which, other than YPAO problems (It sounds awful) has been bulletproof. I got that brand new on closeout in March of '06, I think it was, for an insanely cheap price. I called to order a lower priced one, a 559, I think, and they were out, and the guy said he had the 659 for the same price. I was sold.