Hi everyone, I acquired a Marantz SR7500 for not too expensive, I'm told that they are great sounding amps and have analog circuits for some inputs. Pretty cool.
Once mine turns on, it has a noticeable buzz which increases when I turn the volume knob. It doesn't seem to matter which input I set it to, although the timbre of the buzz changes a little between the different inputs. I have nothing plugged in at the moment, just the speakers. The buzz is present in the headphone output, too.
I'm not too bad with a soldering iron, so I opened up the amp. I can identify the different boards somewhat, but I don't really have any idea which is causing the buzz or what to do about it. I don't see any obviously bad capacitors, and I don't want to just start messing with stuff without any idea of what's causing it. Has anyone solved a similar problem? What should I try?
Yes I've tried plugging it in to another outlet, and another house for that matter.