Hey Gents,
So I have a pretty complicated question (or so I believe) so bare with me. I have a Marantz SR6008 and it is currently hardwired via ethernet to my router. For some reason when I run the network test it shows me a diagram of the receiver connected to the router via ethernet marked with a green check, and then the router connected to the internet via ethernet marked with a red x. I get an error message that states "Internet connection test failed. Can not access the internet. Check your router's settings." This is a new issue as it used to work a little while ago. I don't have reason to believe it's an error with the network chip itself, as I'm still getting an IP address and a MAC address. Does anyone know what could be going on?
(I have internet on everything else, and I used a cable tester on the ethernet, and it was all good)
ROUTER: Netgear Nighthawk RAX80