So as with all purchases of this magnitude (and most of far lesser import as well, it's what I do), after much agonizing, I've decded to go with a Marantz AVR. After several Denons over the years, I'm really drawn by the sexy looks and the solid specs, and I actually have a use for the analog 7.1 inputs.
My question is, other than number of inputs and wattage, are there significant differences between the 5,6, and 7 models? I'm thinking of going with the the 5007 with the thought of adding a mutli-channel amp down the road if I would be sacrificing only power by not going with the higher-end model. In anybody's opinion, would the smaller receiver + power amp - a significantly more expensive proposition - be definitively better than the more powerful receiver by itself?
In a related question, I've noticed the previous iteration still available - the 5005 and 7005. As I don't plan on needing 4k switching any time soon, if ever, would this be considered a good value?