Marantz 5-series vs 7-series



So as with all purchases of this magnitude (and most of far lesser import as well, it's what I do), after much agonizing, I've decded to go with a Marantz AVR. After several Denons over the years, I'm really drawn by the sexy looks and the solid specs, and I actually have a use for the analog 7.1 inputs.

My question is, other than number of inputs and wattage, are there significant differences between the 5,6, and 7 models? I'm thinking of going with the the 5007 with the thought of adding a mutli-channel amp down the road if I would be sacrificing only power by not going with the higher-end model. In anybody's opinion, would the smaller receiver + power amp - a significantly more expensive proposition - be definitively better than the more powerful receiver by itself?

In a related question, I've noticed the previous iteration still available - the 5005 and 7005. As I don't plan on needing 4k switching any time soon, if ever, would this be considered a good value?
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adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
It may be a good value for you. The differences you may be concerned about are the room correction software (Audyssey XT vs. MultiEQ) or streaming choices. I have a 7005 and have found the Pandora and Internet radio to be invaluable.


Not worried greatly about streaming - both Blu-Ray and television are capable, and I rarely take advantage of it. I think I'm going to take a flyer on the refurbished 7005 for $900. Other than the streaming, what would you say the strengths of the unit are? Any buyer's remorse?
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
Not worried greatly about streaming - both Blu-Ray and television are capable, and I rarely take advantage of it. I think I'm going to take a flyer on the refurbished 7005 for $900. Other than the streaming, what would you say the strengths of the unit are?
$900 sounds like a good price. Hmm. I went from an Onkyo 885 pre pro to this one and a big part of the change for me was to get the audio streaming and IP control so I can use an app to control the unit instead of a remote for the Zone 2/3 outputs. Most of the other features were a lateral shift.

Any buyer's remorse?
You know that is a good question. I like the added usability that I explained above but I did go through many weeks of trying to diagnose amp hiss issues that I did not have with the Onkyo. I have dedicated circuits and everything is grounded properly but I have learned to live with this annoying albeit minor issue. I am not sure if I will buy another Marantz after this even though I like the looks and the functionality it just does not gel well with my system.


Good info., thanks for sharing. I'll research and see if others have had the issue with the hiss. My other finalist is a Denon 3313, which is going for $749 refurb.
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
Remember that the 7000 series Marantz and the Denon 3313 are virtually identical. Many others here have the 7005 and do not have the hiss that I experienced. I was able to replicate it with another identical unit so I know it was not my unit in particular. I think it is a grounding or shielding issue within these units that make them sensitive in certain situations.


Yes, it seems to me that being of the same parent company they would share many components. Seems to me that the biggest difference is in the back panel. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be happy no matter which way I go.

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