This Harris dude mirrors the majority of posters on this thread…
I'll say this as a conservative. I don't give a fug about the fake election. And most of America doesn't either. What's one of the big sayings people use against the woke? Facts don't care about your feelings? The FACT is he LOST. Fair or not. He LOST. Get Trump a tissue or something.
I never was crazy about him. But his reaction to the election sealed my opinion of him forever. If he'd have just took it on the chin like a man. Said I'll be back. Conceded gracefully. And just let the Democrats inherit a mess from the pandemic that conservatives could have built momentum off of. I MIGHT have thought here's a man who is a true leader. Who will put party and constituents above his own ego and who will play the long game if needed.
But what does he do? Cries conspiracies and gaslights the riots at the capitol! Loses us Georgia and the Senate. And he instigated a riot!!! A former president instigated a riot. Which has compromised his party ever since.
That's no leader. That's no man with character. Fug this guy. The sooner the Republican party accepts that the more Trump and Republicans cry about fake elections and other fringe stuff they scare off much needed voters the better. Voters right now just want to hear policy policy policy. They could care less about the right and the lefts endless smear campaigns.
He's not the second coming of Christ he's not the answer. The conservative ideas that our country could use right now to help right itself after the pandemic would be much better expressed through a much better and fresh candidate.
But if people want to go die on the hill of Trump and far right Christian based ideology go right ahead. The GOP can't get out of its own way.
Perfect example Roe vs Wade overturned. Whats the right move by Republicans? How about we will put it on the ballot and let our constituents decide how they want this to be handled in each state. That handles everything!!!! It quiets the fears on the left that conservatives are going to strip what they see as they're right. It allows women voters to feel like they're choice matters. It backs up what was said after Roe v Wade was overturned. That the states will decide. What do most bone headed Republicans do? Start putting in trigger laws and just going 100% the other direction. Americans don't want big gov touching our choice about our guns how do you think they will react to big gov touching a choice about our bodies?
I mean how stupid do you have to be? You can't make this stuff up man.
Trying to support my party right now is like trying to be a Dallas Cowboy fan. EVERY year just when you think they might be making the right moves. They go ahead and break your damn heart all over again.
Republicans aren't losing to fake elections. They're losing to certain policy stances and candidates they're party is choosing to back. I'm done with this bullsh$t from the GOP. Just Fug the GOP right now.