woahoo! got the bdf up and running!
easier than i had expected.
put one filter in, a -6db cut centred at 75hz. bandwidth = 20. pretty wide but maybe not too wide as my himp spanned over 30h?
big difference. i like, but think i can do better. definitely can do flatter but might end up with a house curve of some sort i expect.
one things i didnt expect was that i was down a few db through the 30's and 40's. can a cut 75 effect further down the frequency range? or maybe my bandwith was too wide?
and when i then used the AVIA disk to ballance mains vs sub, i had to crank the sub up a few db. i would have expected this as the 75hz hump was obviously bringing up the average, but this is not too different from just boosting the 30-40hz range to start with, which i didnt want to do.
and even stranger, the dip i had around 100hz, i tried to boost it 8db(just to see), and it seemed to make the dip even more severe

obviously a room node that doesnt want to be messed with.
no more time to fiddle today, more tomorrow