i got myself a radioshack spl meter last week and have been getting some surprising results, which leave me with some questions i'm hoping someone can answer.
i have a some dynaudo 52s firing down the lenth of a 5.5m(18ft) room,(4.4m/14.6' wide). they are 112cm from the front wall, and 130cm from the side walls.
walking back and forth in the room with the spl meter and playing a 31hz sweep tone at 70db, i have a 12db dip(58db) just about at the half way point in the room(15cm behind the half way point actually). 60cm front and back of this it reads flat at 70db. another 60 or so centimeters back, which is 1.3m from the back wall behind me, i have a peak of 76db.
but when i play a 59hz tone which is also a major bass node, that near-middle point in the room that had a 12db dip at 31hz is now 9 db above flat at 79db!
firstly, is a 18db range between peaks and troughs excessive??????
isnt the half way point or any even division of the room meant to maximise bass??? why the 31hs dip then?
another surprising find was that there is very little fluctuation of the needle when moving laterally across the room. i would have though the width nodes would have been as severe as the lenth nodes
also strange was that another big node at 156hz seemed to occur at different points in the room to the 31hz node. i would have thought that base nodes of any frequency would have occured at the same point.
now i'm thinking of trying some new speaker placements. rives audio room simulator diagram suggests 120 from front wall and 105 fron side wall. but elsewhere in their site they say all formlas work on putting the speakers 1/3 or 1/5 of the way into the room. but 120cm is not either of these two ratios? and another website says "A speakers' distance from the front wall should not be within 33% of he distance from the side walls." 120 and 105 seem a bit close?
putting speakers and listning possition at odd divisions of the room is supposed to minimise bass nodes i've read. does this mean that the frequency response curve is flattened(good), or is bass reduced across the board(bad?), because i've read somewhere that one can chose to sit at even divisions to maximise bass(surely not bass nodes)
last question, what is the difference, and which is preferable, between moving speakers back and forth, and moving listning position.
sorry for being so long winded. if anyone can understand what i'm trying to say and has any answers i'd be most gratefull.