Being an agnostic, I can go either way, so I never dispprove the existance of a higher being but would like more proof. Over the years, I have pondered many things about religion. The bible was written at a time when stories were told person to person (more likley uneducated farmer to uneducated farmer) and of course we have all played the telephone game were you tell one person one thing and by the time it gets to the 10th person the story has changed dramatically. Now lets think about that. The first reference to Jesus Christ was not written till approximately 80 years after his crucifixtion. There is alot of leeway in the telling of those stories in 80 years by a mostly uneducated populace.
Now I do believe in Jesus, yes, I do agree he was a leader of man and he helped those he could in the ways he could. Did he cure lepers No. Lepers may have felt better being in the presence of a kind man with good words, but no he did not cure leprosy. Did he walk on water. No. But if you keep telling a story of how great any person is, I bet after 80 years he not only walked on water, but could do a perfect 10 swan dive in three inches of water. I don't believe he was the son of God (unless you say we are all the sons and daughters of God) I believe he was a good mortal man crucified (next to an mortal man theif) for his teachings which at the time were considered "witchcraft" if they believed in "witches" at that time.
Now we have heard stories of the burning bush and the voice of God. Hmmm what are the chances of mental imbalance and the need for pyschiatry back then, because that stuff still happens today folks.
Adam and Eve the first humans and they had Cain and Abel, Cain slew Abel, who did Cain get jiggy with to help further the population....say Mom can I pour you a drink.
There are so many stories in the bible that can be disproved yet religion teaches us that we must have faith. Faith in what? something that can't be proved, a God who allows so much famine, death, abuse on children and elderly. Or would it make more sense that man is accountable for his own actions, we as a species are naturally flawed to many degrees. We happened to be on a planet that nature (and the universe) placed us exactly in the right spot to support life and since the Universe is non ending, I wonder how many other planets are exactly 93 million miles from their star and what type of life forms are on that planet and what type of "god" they believe in or if they believe at all. Because it is only humans who put such a degree on Faith and religions, because in my dogs eyes, I am their god.
Now on the flip side I sure hope there is a God, I hope that there is an answer to all these questions. I look at a sunset and think only a God could create something so beautiful, but then the logical part of my brain realizes that it's just our revolving Earth circling the sun and the beautiful images are just our atmosphere reacting to the changing light.
Genesis claims "Let there be light" and poof there was light" um no the "light" is just one of billions other "lights" in the sky that also might have the ability to shine light on other planets in their galaxy.
Have you ever noticed it is the religious who are the most judgemental of others, the first to banish you to hell for your disbeliefs. The most horrible people I have ever met have been ultra religious conservatives who want you to listen to their version of faith, but when you try and tell them your belief they will walk away in a heartbeat (and be rude about it) If God wanted us to be kind to each other and treat each other as equals then I know alot of "pure Christians" who are gonna be warming up downstairs with me for my agnostisisms.
As an agnostic I do pray, I do hope for a better world and I hope we can all believe in peace and harmony, but do find it ironic how most wars are started over religion. Yes Al-Quida, I'm sure God will reward you with your 70 virgins in ever lasting light for the senseless killing of your fellow man (who by the way were also followers of God)
Just my opinion guys, I don't judge any of you on yours, so please don;t judge me on mine.
Edit - What boggles my mind the most is how women can get into religion, man if they ever read the bible they would see that women were thought of us property and slaves and could be bought, sold, traded, beat to death for infidality and most important "women shall be subserviant to man" and yet I still can't get my GF to fetch me a beer.