I replied to your other thread, and have been fighting the urge to respond in this one...I just have to.
Your engineering background can prove useful in these things. But if creating good sound were as simple as combining speakers and a crossover in a box, we would already have perfection, and a robot would be asembing these perfect speakers by the thousands.
Selecting a crossover is not as simple as comparing frequency response from two speakers, and finding a happy medium. You seem to be referring to an active crossover as well (vs. passive)...even more difficult. Sonic, tonal quality can not be qualified until someone actually listens to the product (sound) after the speaker is completed (called r&d @ Paradigm, Hsu, etc.). So my best advice is trial and error (much like I did with my '72 Bonneville in my endless quest to obtain carburetion nirvana with different sizes of needle jets and air/fuel mixtures). It is good that you have resolved the issue. Cheers.