Lord of the Rings, revisited



Having watched all 3 Lord of the Ring movies, somethings about the plot just keeps nagging me in the back of my mind.

1) Why the whole journey of having the hobbit walk on foot to get to the firepit to destroy the ring? If the hobbit rode on that big eagle, the whole story would be over in 10 minutes.

2) Isn't this evil vs. good struggle a bit vague?

3) The elfs, what's up with them? Running away before the fight even started? I just don't get this whole the age of elfs has come to an end thing. I mean, if the elfs wanted to fight evil, then they will stay and fight, even if the elfs will suffer considerable losses. The elfs can leave after the fight is over.

4) Aragon. Return of the king. Aragon's ancestors have been gone for what? Almost a thousand years? And Aragon expects the throne to be handed back to him after all this time? And the steward is in the wrong for wanting to refuse handing the throne back to Aragon? Aragon's ancestors have contributed nothing to the upkeep of the kingdom in almost a thousand years. While the steward's lineage have faithfully tended to the daily administration of the kingdom. What right does the Aragon's lineage still hold over the throne?

Anyway, these are just some of my thoughts.
Yes, definitely read the books. Your questions are all answered and the movies would have had to have been 6 hours longer (each) with running omnipotent commentary to get to all the points you wanted addressed.


Senior Audioholic
I read them

I read all the books several time over, even the Silmarilion[sic]. I like them alot. And I totally agree with the eagle thing. The king of the eagles - what's his name gonad or something could have taken Frodo to Mt Doom in a matter of minutes and his flock could have dealt with the flying dinosaur freaks.
I'm thinking that the general idea was that the Nazgul would have wiped out the Eagles without too much difficulty - especially with the aid of Sauron. Nobody got to really see what Sauron's power could do when focused because they always kept him distracted and focused on war.

At the end, Sauron was defeated and so the Eagles could go in without any problems.


SilverMK3 said:
yes, do that....
if for no other reasons than to have some questions answered, and to find out how much is missing from the films.

oh, and as far as "good vs. evil", this story isn't nearly that simple....


Audioholic Field Marshall
I concur with the above posts; read the books. I read the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings when I was about 11 years old. I have since read it a couple of times. I read it just recently, and was amazed by how much I had forgotten how things transpired, and as a consequence; just how much the films changed events from the books.

I do also have to agree with the comment about the eagles though. I think that whilst it would have been rather risky just to have 'nipped in' to drop the ring into the fire, it would have been no more than trekking across half the globe dodging orcs, goblins, trolls and other unsavoury characters with distinctly London sounding accents :rolleyes:

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