yeah definitely agree with your take,
@BMXTRIX ! We have been using AndroidTV via the mibox for a while now, so I think everyone is used to that interface, and honestly having used Roku too, it's not much different, in fact I prefer the AndroidTV UI. Plus we are a windows & Android family; no Apple products in our echosystem. Would prefer to not mix it up. Once you add Apple it kind of takes over and messes other things up. LOL

I remember trying an ipod for a while, and before I knew it I had itunes everywhere I didn't want it.
If I were a bachelor, I'd be all over HTPC still.... and probably everything else, too. But htpc requires lots of oversight and tweaking. Rarely is it truly setitandforgetit. Wife and kids don't tolerate that. I had it close for a while when running Win7MC with a Flirc and a fully set up Harmony. It was pretty seamless, and wife was ok with it. But then 7MC started its slow death, and I just moved on.
Before 7MC I was into OpenELEC (Kodi) on a little net-top but got tired of the hoops I had to jump through to make my HDHR dvr work, and it woudn't record copy-once flagged shows (HBO Game of Thrones was big at the time) which is what lead me to 7MC back then (which I installed on the same net-top with FLIRC).
It's probably going to be a ShieldPro for me... but still wondering about CCWGTV with a new(er) Xbox in the mix. Not sure what the ShieldPro has over the CCWGTV still...
Also, why couldn't Google have just called it a "chromecast pro" or something like that....