The choice has been made....
[Original post titled: Looking for Guidance - Denon 3805 or 3806]
Well, I originally posted a question looking for guidance on buying the 3805 (Tweeter was blowing 'em out at $788) or upgrading to the 3806. Seems the situation is moot - I went to Tweeter to pick up the 3805 (which I put a deposit on to hold the one they had left in a box) - and turns out they didn't have it after all. They called all the other stores - no 3805's left. They were very apologetic and offered me the 3806 for $950 - and I ended up taking it for $900 (plus tax). I figure that for an extra $112, I would have done this deal even if the 3805 was in stock.
Now to decide between the 2910 or the 3910 DVD players....