looking for center and rear channel speakers



I recently bought a set of Wharfedale sp-85 speakers off ebay for 140 bucks that I'm really happy with. They're connected to an older sony receiver, along with a 90 dollar 100 watt sony sub. I'm a poor college kid, so I'm not looking for anything fancy, especially since I throw parties, and don't want it to be the end of the world if some1 spills beer on my speakers, however, I do like to listen to decent quality sound. I don't mind buying something used, or older that will sound nice. Any recommendations for a center channel, as well as 2 rear ones? Should i look to get wharfedale speakers to complement the ones I have now?



Audioholic General
In your place, (assuming you want mostly movies here and are not a SACD or DVD-audio purist) I would get as good a Wharfedale center channel as the budget permits and find some regular indoor-outdoors like these to work for the backs.



http://www.thetwistergroup.com/product/LS-400 D00580.html

or, if you are wanting somehting a little nicer,


they come with a bracket, so you don't even have ot mess with that.

The rear channels for movies carry event sounds more than voices and are intended to simulate movement. They don't need to be THX-rated to still let you enjoy the movie. Since the voices mostly come out of the center channel, you'll enjoy having a good center alot more than if you spread the cost out between the three.

  • RBHsound.com
  • BlueJeansCable.com
  • SVS Sound Subwoofers
  • Experience the Martin Logan Montis