wow! are you sure that's not a resort?
Thanks! (tried to hit the button, but it didn't work)
I really do appreciate the compliments. It's the best part of our place. Oddly enough, if I had to do it over, there's some things I'd do very differently, but it's nice ot have this little retreat right outside your door. Our neighborhood is the typical Florida subdivision where they come in, moe down on the trees, criss cross a few streeets and build some houses on. We're a bit lucky because we bought the bigger corner lot so we have a little bit more room and privacy.
It's times like last night at 2am and I still can't sleep and just go outside and plop myself in the spa for 20 mintutes to wind down that make it all worth it. It really feels like your someplace else.
I got into smoking about 2 years ago. I cook as a serious hobby and spent a lot of time on the grill leaning towards the more esoteric gourmet side of it. I made everything from burgers to smoked chocolate cake to creme brule out on the grill and it got to the point where it just wasn't that much fun anymore and wanted a new challenge. Smoking is a lot of fun because it can be as technical with gadgets as you want or as pedestrian as you want. It can be creative and artful or just simple and pure. It's a lot of fun and after 2 years, I'm just now putting out what I consider to be really good bbq. I bought commercial grade smoker right off the bat and just started experimenting. I joined user group called the BBQ Bretheren who are fine group of guys who gave me a lot of advice. It's been fun! Here's a couple of pics: