Clint DeBoer said:
Like they are even going to worry about measuring those.
It'd be interesting to see what the numbers look like..
It's interesting, using some high falutin technology to solve real problems...high resistance? No problem, use a superconductor that dissipates energy at 60 hZ and up to solve that DC resistance issue..and, after all that engineering, attach some simple copper wire at the warm to cold transitions..
Or, these huge honkin cables that use nitrogen or vacuum as the dielectric (where the supports aren't), then feed them through gas seals in metal, but neglect the capacitance at those seals..
Or, low inductance wires, like ribbons, then split them out a foot from the binding posts, adding a factor of 100 more inductance than the cable it'self...I always love seeing 4 nH per foot wires terminated with half foot long pigtails that in themselves, have 200 to 300 nH per foot inductance..go figure.
Personally, if I were that worried about the inductance, I'd simply run a quadaxial speaker run, and pull the voltage feedback from the VC via a second set of litz wires that go to the cone, using a second VC.
Next best is just a high guage coaxial with Zline=Zload..
Cheers, John