Liquid nitrogen cooled cables, no joke!



Seriously, I have no life.
Clint DeBoer said:
- but its mere presence makes the cables better.

If the same can work with that Airborne cold stuff, why not this?

My arm was twisted to try it before a flight. No cold after the trip. On the next one, I just kept it in my pocket and suitcase. No cold. Now I just keep it home. No colds, never run out :D WOW, what bargain. Powerful as can be


Senior Audioholic
mtrycrafts said:
Yes, and it is all your fault :D After all, he did comment on your post :)
No, it was not my fault..

I provided a little bit of knowledge, thinkin it'd be appreciated. mindin my own business (c'mon out to the coast for xmas, have a good time), as it were...and BOOM...slapped upside the head by some guy, some wizecrackin thug...

And it twerent "comments" that he was flat out, excellent laughs..boy, he cleaned my cage big time..I haven't laughed that hard in a while..

Cheers, John


Audioholic Chief
jneutron said:
Ah, ok..

You posted it under John A, so I was thinkin he was the owner of da cables.....ya never know what PE is gonna sell next... ;)

Cheers, John
Hey!! :mad: What gives...if you bothered to look at my post or even looked at my system you would know better.


Senior Audioholic
Clint DeBoer said:
Like they are even going to worry about measuring those.
It'd be interesting to see what the numbers look like..

It's interesting, using some high falutin technology to solve real problems...high resistance? No problem, use a superconductor that dissipates energy at 60 hZ and up to solve that DC resistance issue..and, after all that engineering, attach some simple copper wire at the warm to cold transitions..

Or, these huge honkin cables that use nitrogen or vacuum as the dielectric (where the supports aren't), then feed them through gas seals in metal, but neglect the capacitance at those seals..

Or, low inductance wires, like ribbons, then split them out a foot from the binding posts, adding a factor of 100 more inductance than the cable it'self...I always love seeing 4 nH per foot wires terminated with half foot long pigtails that in themselves, have 200 to 300 nH per foot inductance..go figure.

Personally, if I were that worried about the inductance, I'd simply run a quadaxial speaker run, and pull the voltage feedback from the VC via a second set of litz wires that go to the cone, using a second VC.

Next best is just a high guage coaxial with Zline=Zload..

Cheers, John


Senior Audioholic
JohnA said:
Hey!! :mad: What gives...if you bothered to look at my post or even looked at my system you would know better.
Umm, John? the ;) "wink wink" thingy?? tongue in know...""I never jest...and don't call me shirley"".

Boy, it's kinda touchy around here...what's goin on?? Bet it's those green thingy's.... :confused:

Cheers, John


Audioholic Chief
jneutron said:
Umm, John? the ;) "wink wink" thingy?? tongue in know...""I never jest...and don't call me shirley"".

Boy, it's kinda touchy around here...what's goin on?? Bet it's those green thingy's.... :confused:

Cheers, John
Hey, I just got a little cold from all of the Liquid Nitrogen...and those green things are the best, but don't forget about the magic rocks! ;)


Senior Audioholic
JohnA said:
Hey, I just got a little cold from all of the Liquid Nitrogen...and those green things are the best, but don't forget about the magic rocks! ;)
Ahhhh, the magic rocks...

Magic rocks...what garbage...I don't need no stinkin rocks...I have .........the chip!!!

Mine is superconducting toooooo! can detect YOUR CD in Dayton..

BTW, you said if I ""looked at your system"" do you do that??? :confused: :confused:

Is there a member system page here? I've tried to no avail to find one.

My system is gonna be the's one of MY ic's...I don't play around with the small stuff...anything less than 4/0 is just...wimpy. :cool:

Cheers, John
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Audioholic General
jneutron said:
Ahhhh, the magic rocks...

Magic rocks...what garbage...I don't need no stinkin rocks...I have .........the chip!!!

Mine is superconducting toooooo! can detect YOUR CD in Dayton..

BTW, you said if I ""looked at your system"" do you do that??? :confused: :confused:

Is there a member system page here? I've tried to no avail to find one.

My system is gonna be the's one of MY ic's...
toward the bottom of the home forum page


Audioholic General
jneutron said:
Thank you...sheesh, "member systems"...who'da thunk ta look under member systems.......duh, :eek:

It seems kinda awkward trying to find his system, had ta use the search. I kinda figgered there would be a simple link within a user's profile that dummies like me could figure out. :confused:

Cheers, John
that's actually a good idea, maybe you should post that in the suggestions forum.


Senior Audioholic
Spiffyfast said:
that's actually a good idea, maybe you should post that in the suggestions forum.
Uh uh...not mee.

I already gots onenna dem greeny thingys listenin in, watchin me...I can't seem to get rid of dat ting...this forum software won't let me post negative comments on my own that green thing won't go away... :rolleyes:

At least the rolleye is watching that green thing for me...him, I can trust.. :p
Cheers, John
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Senior Audioholic
JohnA said:

Here's mine..

I will admit, the sweet spot is rather small, and difficult to get into. (it's under the adidas bag, right behind the ear protectors..if I twist my body juuust right, I can manage...)

But it does get pretty good mileage..

Cheers, John

PS..I'm sure you've notice...Parts express handles, hardware, corners, eminence delta 12's, selenium d205ti's...I can't stand PE, they end up with so much of my money.... :( :rolleyes:good rolleye, keep watchin..
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Full Audioholic
Wow. I mean wow. Someone paid really good money for that. I hope their sense of self-satisfaction is high, at least high enough to convince their ears that it sounds better.

I should contact this person and see if I can sell them a cooling system so they can overclock the processors in their reciever. It would just sound so much better. ;)

And then I'll sell them a really expensive high end electostatic HEPA filter dehumidifying clean room HVAC system so they can keep the air condition, density, temperature, and humitidy perfect for sound transmission in their room.

Oooh, ooh! Then I'll sell them a fire-suppression system that forces all of the air out of the room instead of spraying water - that way all of their equipment will be intact in the event of a fire.

And then a UPS system that can keep the stereo running for 100 hours in the event of a power outage.

Nobody steal my ideas! I'm going to get this guy's money first!!!



Senior Audioholic
they don't need it..

wilkenboy said:
Oooh, ooh! Then I'll sell them a fire-suppression system that forces all of the air out of the room instead of spraying water - that way all of their equipment will be intact in the event of a fire.
They already have one...all they have ta do is:

1. Suspend a fireaxe over the nitrogen feed cable, hinge the handle at the end.
2. Hold the axe up using a nylon fishing line. Run this line into a cage with a hamster inside, use the line to hold a trapdoor closed.
3. Aim the cage so that the door, which is the only avenue of egress for the hamster, is directed away from the stereo.
4. Instruct the hamster that, in the event of a fire, he has to chew the nylon line so that the door will spring open..and he can get away from the fire.

Should a fire occur, he knaws the line, it breaks, the axe lands on the feed pipe, it severs, the liquid nitrogen spills out, vaporizes and removes all the room oxygen, puts the fire out,'s the added bonus...cryo's all the components...hey, why waste the nitrogen?

Caution: don't have a female in a different cage in the room..that'll end up cryoing both hamsters.

Cheers, John


Full Audioholic
Wilkenboy, check this out... lol
"How to overclock to 7GHz"
”Ok, let’s go over this one more time, boys. Pentium 4 670 Prescott.”
“Asus P5WD2 motherboard.”
“Industrial cryogenic cooling device.”

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