.....I sometimes make sure I've killed all the sources, then leave the Mac pre-amp turned on with 0 gain, all four amps in standby not drawing enough to flicker an LED, and sometimes leave them on that way for a week....ok, that's not an entirely accurate report on my part....the amps in standby probably do, draw enough juice to flicker an LED, and one time, it had to be a month.....guys, serious question....when you leave your stuff on, and no human is in the house, do you think a high-end DVD player remains pleasant toward a low-end CD player in their conversation, while they sip tea and compare pictures of their kids?....yeah, I'm feeling a little excited again over a purchase....250 foot roll of SK 8 ga. cometh....40 pounds....upon first layin' eyes on it to come, I suspect I'll have to be led around for a few minutes afterward....I'm proud to announce WmAx is being patient with me in PM's over details of the small cannons....I can report he's winging things MUCH less than me......