Donovan said:
...To think that yesterday I was actually planning to buy €200 JBL Northridge E80!
I listened to both the Athena's and the E80 and I personally liked the JBL's much more. The midrange sound was much more pleasing to me and that was the deciding factor. A secondary factor was the look of the Athena. The color wouldn't look to nice in a living room filled with wood.
I wouldn't personally say one speaker sucks over another as it is the buyers own personal experience listening to the speakers. Not sure how a bunch of you came to that conclusion that the Northridge series suck badly. I
have read up on a few professional reviews and no 'experts' came up with that conclusion on that model line.
Since you already listened to the JBL and liked the sound of the speaker, not sure why you would be so easily swayed based on a couple of comments from other people.
Just because a speaker is sold at Best Buy or Circuit City doesn't make the consumer uninformed....that isn't an inaccurate statement to say the least. I guess buyers are uninformed when they also buy the Athena's at Best Buy?
I would think hearing the speaker in person would take precedence over 'hearing' what people say here.