Know some good SILVER speakers anyone?



Donovan - It’s different for each of us but you are so close to stepping up to a quality speaker it seems almost a crime to bail out and opt for those JBLs. I think if you save for a couple more month than get what you want (whatever they are) you will be much, much happier and enjoy your kit more, especially over time. Good luck!

Vancouver – I read somewhere about the design of those aluminum speakers. It wasn’t something that was thrown together. I lot of research when into the design of the aluminum cabinets, i.e. they are oval shaped to create a cabinet without sharp angles (corners) inside, etc. I forget what it was but there was something about the exact placement of the tweeters, too, in addition to a reason why they are exterior of the cabinet and specifically placed where they are. I didn’t expect much when I first saw those speakers but the quality of the sound blew me away when I heard them.


9f9c7z said:
I think if you save for a couple more month than get what you want (whatever they are) you will be much, much happier and enjoy your kit more, especially over time.
You are absolutely right. And considering the fact that I already made a mistake by buying the Infinitys, I'd rather spend some more money than constantly be annoyed by the sound it produces.

Although I'd like to buy new speakers tomorrow the fact that I don't have the money for them yet will give me time to look for the perfect speakers :rolleyes:


Don't think they suck at all...

I don't think the JBLs suck. I was merely answering your question as to what we thought would be good silver speakers. Definitive Technology has been around a long time and make great mid-range to fairly high end speakers at affordable prices. I absolutely agree that you should listen to ANY speaker before buying, and with music of your choosing that you're very familiar with. I recommended the DefTech Mythos because I have heard them, they do abolutely sound great for the money, and you have a plethora of mix and match options to suit your budget. Unless you live in a very small town it's highly likely that you'll be able to audition them in one or more of their iterations.

I would never suggest that JBL or anything else sucks for that matter as I am a firm believer in listening and listener preferences.

I was only attempting to give you what I considered good advice from someone who has enjoyed this hobby in an almost fanatical approach for 30 years. Speaker buying is without question the most subjective of all audio purchases and that is why it is so important that you listen for yourself.

Cheers and good hunting :cool:
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Donovan said:
...To think that yesterday I was actually planning to buy €200 JBL Northridge E80! :rolleyes:
I listened to both the Athena's and the E80 and I personally liked the JBL's much more. The midrange sound was much more pleasing to me and that was the deciding factor. A secondary factor was the look of the Athena. The color wouldn't look to nice in a living room filled with wood.

I wouldn't personally say one speaker sucks over another as it is the buyers own personal experience listening to the speakers. Not sure how a bunch of you came to that conclusion that the Northridge series suck badly. I
have read up on a few professional reviews and no 'experts' came up with that conclusion on that model line.

Since you already listened to the JBL and liked the sound of the speaker, not sure why you would be so easily swayed based on a couple of comments from other people.

Just because a speaker is sold at Best Buy or Circuit City doesn't make the consumer uninformed....that isn't an inaccurate statement to say the least. I guess buyers are uninformed when they also buy the Athena's at Best Buy?

I would think hearing the speaker in person would take precedence over 'hearing' what people say here.


Audioholic Ninja
Donovan said:
Okay. I'm gonna try and find some more stores to listen and compare speakers today...

But why do you guys think the JBL's suck by the way?

That's a fine question, Donovan. It is said often, but I think perhaps much of it is hearsay opinion and some folks haven't really listened to them. I currently have the JBL Studio Series (S312's) as my mains, and have used J350s in the past (still have 'em as surrounds). I've heard the E or Northridge series, and yes, they are NOT as good as my 20 year old J350's or the newer S312's. Many think the E series is made to impress the Best Buy crowd, and some of JBL's former quality has diminished...cabinet-wise and driver quality-wise in the rush to mass-market the speakers. That said, the Northridge series does not suck...they just are not quite up to the performance quality (read transparency/clarity, fullness, soundstage imaging) of some others in the price range. They are still quite musical.


Audioholic General
rjbudz said:
Many think the E series is made to impress the Best Buy crowd, and some of JBL's former quality has diminished...cabinet-wise and driver quality-wise in the rush to mass-market the speakers. That said, the Northridge series does not suck...they just are not quite up to the performance quality (read transparency/clarity, fullness, soundstage imaging) of some others in the price range. They are still quite musical.
I think that's what they are there for too....if you go into bestbuy, the Northbridge are the only real big speakers in there and that impresses some ppl, personally I dont like the sound of them, but thats just my opinion, other ppl may love the sound of them. But I will agree, I like the style and I like the wow factor they can bring.


Audioholic Ninja
clemulus said:
I listened to both the Athena's and the E80 and I personally liked the JBL's much more. The midrange sound was much more pleasing to me and that was the deciding factor. A secondary factor was the look of the Athena. The color wouldn't look to nice in a living room filled with wood.

I wouldn't personally say one speaker sucks over another as it is the buyers own personal experience listening to the speakers. Not sure how a bunch of you came to that conclusion that the Northridge series suck badly. I
have read up on a few professional reviews and no 'experts' came up with that conclusion on that model line.

Since you already listened to the JBL and liked the sound of the speaker, not sure why you would be so easily swayed based on a couple of comments from other people.

Just because a speaker is sold at Best Buy or Circuit City doesn't make the consumer uninformed....that isn't an inaccurate statement to say the least. I guess buyers are uninformed when they also buy the Athena's at Best Buy?

I would think hearing the speaker in person would take precedence over 'hearing' what people say here.

VERY well said. Speakers are such personal items, you must not take others' word on what sounds good to YOU. There are some expensive...and some cheap horn-tweetered speakers out....I hate 'em all. They make me want to take an icepick to my eardrums. Doesn't mean they suck. ;)


Audioholic General
rjbudz said:
VERY well said. Speakers are such personal items, you must not take others' word on what sounds good to YOU. There are some expensive...and some cheap horn-tweetered speakers out....I hate 'em all. They make me want to take an icepick to my eardrums. Doesn't mean they suck. ;)
There ya go, I on the other hand like horn tweeters b/c I like the way they sound with rock music, or rap (for parties only, I dont really like it, but the ladies love to dance... :rolleyes: )


If you can afford the Canton Vento, go for it, speaker is awesome for music. 809DC or 807DC


Audioholic Warlord
You could always match your infinity's. Then you would have timber matching aswell.

If your going ot upgrade, energy C series has silver fronts, and you could get blash ash or canadian maple. Kanton is a good choice aswell.



vienna acoustics have silver too and so do ushers. i would look at the

vienna acoustics got some good reviews. also i would check for some good used or demo ones.

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