...the kindest people in the world (generally speaking) are Americans.
I never posted here before because at the time the thread started I remember thinking "I don't buy into the thinking that folk from one country are more polite (better?

) than another - I consider that every country has good 'eggs' and bad 'eggs', so to speak.
However, whilst slogging my way up a mountain in Glen Coe a few days ago, about 200m from the (first) summit I came across a man, woman and young teenager on their way down and our conversation (walkers generally say hello to one another as they pass, if not stop for a small chat) went something like this:
Me: A'right? How yi doin'?
Teenager (in the lead): Hi.
Me: Och, you've got it easy!
Man: Easy?
Me: Aye, you're on yer way down.
Man: Ah...yes, we were passing through the glen on our way home and couldn't resist climbing to the top on this fine day.
Me: Aye, I think you landed lucky with the weather as it's not meant to be up to much for almost all of this week. Have you come from the west? (the walk is usually done in an east to west direction, as I was doing, but there's nothing to stop someone doing it the other way round)
Man: No, we only climbed to the top to see the view and then came back down again. Are you doing the ridge?
Me: Aye. (after a pause) Oh well, onwards and upwards. See you later (not meant literally).
Man: It gets easier from here (not as steep a grade). Good luck to you sir.
Me: (surprised at such courtesy) Thank you. Have a safe trip home.
I started walking again and mulled over those parting words and remembered about this thread and figured I would like to say how very (overly, even, given that it was just
) polite the man had been. Me? Sir? Well, I never.
Of course, I should note that I can't tell the difference between an American and Canadian accent, so don't be patting yourselves too much on the back.