Kef vs Klipche vs Paradigm



Audioholic Field Marshall
LMAO.... That's what I'm taking about folks!! But seriously, I've been hunting speakers that are as aesthetically pleasing as they are excellent sounding. I did look at the Phil 3 and I'm a little discouraged by the shape of the cabinets. The wood looks amazing, but the overall effect is a little bulky. I love the boat tail look if the Palladium speakers... OMG are they gorgeous. But I keep coming back to the Kef R900 set up. If I went with this complete set up I'd have a little left over for extras.

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I myself would recommend going for R500 set up instead of R900 and get better subs. As the difference in R500 and R900 is mainly on low frequencies that subs can handle. Get a pair of good subs or 4 and you are set.


Dual PB13ultras were the very first thing I decided on. Audioholics YouTube videos on the benefits of multiple subs were extremely informative. I'm curious as to the performance of the dipole surrounds Kef offers.... They look beautiful in white(that's what I'm thinking anyways. If I win the lottery I'll upgrade to the foundry edition white and blue reference

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Audioholic Samurai
I agree that the R900 are a little overkill if you have good subwoofers. The R500 or R700 get to be the better value because the subs do the heavy lifting anyhow. Unless you forsee using the R900 with no sub for music in "direct" mode a lot, there's no advantage to their 8" woofers.

I have a similar setup to tyhjaarpa other than I use R100 as surrounds in a 5.1 system rather than 4 R500's. I know for a fact that I am not getting out of them all that they can give, so I still have work to do but am already super happy. I ran a couple movies at a good volume over the weekend (I am NOT a movie guy) and was taken aback at just how good this system is for surround sound.

If you forgo the R900 and go with R700, then the budget is there for the R600c center. Quite a nice combination!
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Audioholic Overlord
Here is what I'd do if I was starting all over:
Buy a secondary set of speakers first for about $1000-1500. I'm thinking you can find a place for a second stereo in the new home...maybe your bedroom?
Get something like the KEF ls50 or Philharmonic Philharmonitor (my preference) - these are physically small enough to look fine is a smaller room, but they offer very good sound, are generally considered neutral, and will work in a good sized living room at normal volumes.
For now, use this as your primary system. Go ahead and get your SVS PB13Ultras since you have made that decision. I'd suggest that you get something like a Marantz SR-6010 to hold you (it will manage the dual subs with XT-32).
This will give you a system that most of us would be very content with.
The idea here is you now have a very fine system. You can fit this in your current home so you don't need to wait, but most importantly, you can gain experience:
1) The speakers I suggest are neutral - neither overly forward nor laid-back. This will give you a basis for evaluating other speakers. If you have not been around high quality audio, it is easy to go into a showroom and be blown away by speakers that offers so much more than what you are used to! You need to "refine your palate" by listening to quality speakers! We can recommend speakers that are overall very good and good values, but we cannot recommend speakers that will sound best to you.
For example, consider Klipsch. In my experience, they are forward sounding speakers (but I have not heard the Palladiums). For me that makes them exciting speakers - I use a set of RF-82ii's for my HT. However, I do not use them often for music. I play in a jazz band and can say that my Klipsch make a trumpet (for example) sound a little brighter (or maybe just closer to my ear) than it should. They are not bad for awhile, but over extended time they can wear on my ears.
I have met people that love this sound and do not experience the listening fatigue and others who are quickly turned away by the brightness. That is why we cannot properly tell you what speakers to get.
2) Modern AVR's are incredibly complex with menu systems that go 3-4 levels deep. I think it is worthwhile getting started with one and using it as a reference for what you do and don't want. Something like the SR-6010 has many features and is a great overall unit, but not physically imposing when you move it to the second room. In my opinion, this AVR will work fine as your primary AVR (the need for external amplification depends on the speakers ... or if you just want an amp just because you can).

You also might consider going to the Rocky Mountain Audio Festival. The info for the 2016 one is not out yet, but you can Google "2015 RMAF" and read over some accounts of last year's to get an idea of what it is (just don smoke any "legal in Colorado" pot before you choose your speakers - they might not sound the same in your home sober)!
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Audioholic Samurai
Klipsch (no 'e' dammit! Sorry, but PWK is an audio Titan and deserves more respect) is phasing out the Palladiums. Sale prices may increase their attractiveness to the OP. Comparing them to RF series is no real contest, they have far fewer corners cut in the whole process. Better drivers, better networks, better cabs (very nice!), and most importantly, better sound. They're up there with the THX series as far as being neutral.


Kew, thank you so much for the post... I've been considering doing just this. The LS50s have garnished quite the reputation!! I'm going to be setting up a home recording studio early fall and was thinking about a pair for studio monitors. The ELAC Uni Q B6 has been making a fuss too so those are on the option plate as well. I'd love to attend the Rocky Mt Music Festival and meet some of the pioneers and "superstars" of this hobby. That an actual get a chance to audition some of these speakers before making such a large purchase. Thanks again for all the input y'all, I'm looking forward to getting my feet wet and hearing all the things I've been missing for so long.

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Audioholic Overlord
The ELAC Uni Q B6 has been making a fuss too so those are on the option plate as well.
I believe you are mixing models up!
The ELAC B6 is part of the Debut series and goes for $280/pair. I compared the B5's to the Philharmonic AA's here. It is reasonable to assume that the B5 and B6 sound pretty similar except the B6 should have bass on par with the AA's.

Then there is the ELAC UniFi UB5 (and UF5 for floorstanding version) which is a 3-way with concentric soft dome tweeter mounted in a 4" aluminum mid and a 5.25" woofer. It is not yet being shipped, so no true reviews yet, just comments from audio shows:

Then there is the KEF Uni-Q concentric tweeter design which involves KEF's "tangerine waveguide" (used in the ls50 among others):

The ls50 is definitely a step up from the others and has established itself as a great speaker. I would discourage you from being a Guinea Pig on the Uni-Fi's. Even if they are truly great speakers for $500, I doubt they can compete with truly great $1500 speakers (ls50's). If you do want the Uni-Fi's, I'd suggest waiting about 3 months after they start shipping, that is long enough that there will be some reviews on them which are not authored by people paid by people who are paid by the manufacturer to put advertisements in their magazine/website!
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Audioholic Samurai
KEF = Uni-Q
Elac = Uni-Fi

Same guy designed both, two completely different price targets to hit. Elac Uni-Fi is a 4" aluminum mid/1" soft dome tweeter, while KEF Uni-Q is a 5-1/4" aluminum mid/1" aluminum dome tweeter with said "Tangerine Waveguide" to control tweeter breakup and help with dispersion.

Actually, Andrew Jones only had a hand in the KEF Uni-Q. It's been further refined since he left KEF, by quite a bit.


Right brand, wrong speakers... I was referencing his new Uni Fi speakers at the $500 price point. They've been getting a lot of attention in the industry and on the forums... But there's got to be a sig difference between a $500 pair of speakers and a $1200 pair of speakers.

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Audioholic Overlord
Right brand, wrong speakers... I was referencing his new Uni Fi speakers at the $500 price point. They've been getting a lot of attention in the industry and on the forums... But there's got to be a sig difference between a $500 pair of speakers and a $1200 pair of speakers.

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Well, don't buy based on the hype you have heard thus far!
I was thoroughly disappointed in the ELAC B5, despite rave reviews! Since then, there has been a steady level of buzz maintained for the Debut series, but there have also been some comments like my review regarding a lack of excitement. I have learned to read reviews with a grain of salt and look closely at measurements, if present!

I hope the Uni-Fi's live up to their hype! It is certainly a good thing if there is more competition...and if they somehow manage to completely eclipse the competition in their price range, so much the better!

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