Privateer said:
Well beside the fact that mtrycrafts might be deaf, if this is true I give up on arguing with people. Next point is about AA and how pathetic it has become with wires and tweaking. Hell the big tweak now days is raising your cables off the floor or using a cotton dielectric, people over on AA apply electrical properties to the audio spectrum when they do not take place until the 10,000 meter mark in a cable or the 50,000 watt power rating.
Some of what they play with may indeed have merit w/r to what is heard..Line cords, ic's, speaker wires, capacitors...they can affect the sound to some degree..
The main problem is, what type of effect, what level, and is it audible..
The significant problem being one of believing someone who speaks well, couches explanations with "can", "might", "it's possible", lacing explanations with large words pulled from physics..all to make a name for ones' self.
The science is so lacking, and so random..haphazard..
Cheers, John