Just pulled the trigger on a new set of speakers!!!!!



Full Audioholic
Yo guys, finally after about 2 months of running around like a nut listening to a lot of different speakers, it's finally over. I listened to B&W, KEF, MIRAGE, POLK LSi7's 15'5 25's, PARADIGM, TOTEM, ZU, VON SCHWEIKERT, FJ, MARTIN LOGAN, BOSTON, KLIPSCH, ONIX REF1's, OHM WALSH & a few more that I can't remember. Everything I listened to were great in their own respect, but I was waiting to be grabed by the sound, I just didn't hear it from these speakers. Maybe I'm just too fussy? I was all over Philly & South Jersey having a ball. (Drove my wife crazy) Then I heard the Phil Jones AAD 2001's OMG these were it. These monitors grabed me by the balls and wouldn't let go!!! It's the same feeling you get when you look at houses, you just know when it's right. Boy oh boy were these babies ever right for me. The effortless sound the incredible bass, soundstage you name it these guys produce it in spades. Not very big mind you 13x13x9 but very very heavy, almost 50 lbs apiece. These babies deliver all the goods for HT & are just out of this world for 2 channel. It was a great 2 months, these babies are here to stay!!!!

The Dukester

Audioholic Chief

Glad to hear you found the right speakers! Hope you enjoy for many moons. Personally, I have never heard of them but would like to if there were a dealer anywhere around after hearing your excitement over them.
Congrats again!


Audioholic Ninja

I couldn't find info on their site of your speakers (they only had pics..), I did find this. The amount of effort they put into engineering their speakers is amazing. No wonder they sound so good! Unlike so many companies that rely on gimmicky claims and "audiophile" terms, they use solid science and engineering to design their components to the highest standard. I'm very impressed. I think Sleestack might have another speaker to audition :rolleyes:


Audioholic Chief
I heard some AAD's, little box things that were amazing. But I believe the salesguy told me that the website aadaudio.com is a Chinese whitevan site and that AAD is having trouble with them. AAD's real website is AADsound.com. I believe the AAD Sound site actually used to have a disclaimer stating this also although I don't see it now.

Edit: Found it! special alert

  • RBHsound.com
  • BlueJeansCable.com
  • SVS Sound Subwoofers
  • Experience the Martin Logan Montis