Absolutely JIT saves money and introduces many efficiencies, but right now with our off-shore sourcing of parts, it has also left us vulnerable. We seem to be under the impression that the Asian countries who have taken over our manufacturing processes are our pals. They may be friendly, but at the end of the day, they are all about enlightened self interest and they will do what is in THEIR good, not necesarily ours.
As we in North America are prone to excess, so we have been with JIT. Big batch processing may not have been the answer, but neither is JIT if you want to ensure your company can weather supply blockages. So why can't we in North America realize that there is a middle ground? A happy medium? Its time for us to find it.
As for environmental processes, you'll notice that I said "ill-concieved" environmental rules. For every valuable AND necessary rule, there is another one somewhere in the books that costs money, jobs and provides NO benefit to the environment. Thats what I mean by environmental idiocy. And unfortunately, we've allowed it to run rampant in North America, so much so that the intelligent and thoughtful environmentalists are now being ignored too.