well you can't do anything below 20 hz, you can by combining a high pass with a PEQ like Illka did with the DCX etc to get a similar transfer function to a 16 hz highpass.
The voltage limiter is a nice touch so you can tell the amp the load, and then limit the power for instance, with a 4 ohm load in bridged mode, at 64.5 volts, it's showing a limit of 1039.2W simple I/VR calculation. The fan is LOUD, louder than the EP series IMO, but I haven't heard them side by side.
8 filters per channel, you can set each one up as either a parametric eq, or a shelving filter in bridge mode, you only get the 8 total, not 16 filters that is in addition to either a low pass or highpass ( in another tab )
So to clarify, you could send the amp a full range signal, roll it off at 80 hz ( lowpass at 12 db per octave ) plus 8 Parametric Eq's you can store 19 presets on the amp, with unlimited profiles as well in your computer.
18 gauge IEC cord on the 3kw unit !?!
Me: 18ga chord... hmmmm
Mike: well it does pull power differently since it's a class D with SMPS and the duty cycle on a sub is relatively low
me: true
Mike: so while it does 2K + bursts for 30 msec at a time, and there is a 1/2 second period between bursts, the caps are being charged up