As I've posted before, and can be seen by the numerous FS posting I have in the classified section, I've been piecing out my old HT setup so I can move a portion of it to another room, the "family room".
So finally after months of no HT, I get the system setup enough to watch a movie, even though the TV is my 32" LCD and not the Mitsu 73" that I really want. The wife says she's going to take a nap and I should watch the kids, who luckily are eager to veg on the couch and watch Iron Man. I figure, the master bedroom is sound proofed, and on the other side of the house so why not turn this baby up a little and enjoy the old setup in the new room. Of course my Jamo Sub has a dial that teases you, it can be set from 0 to THX, and how can you say NO to THX. So we turn up the volume and start enjoying the movie.
Iron Man is practically blowing up my family room with the sound of the explosions and then suddenly CRASH, the sound of glass breaking. I quickly pause the movie and start running around to find out what broke. Finally, and very unfortunately, adjacent to the family room is the guest bathroom, which has a glass shelf above the toilet with my wife's favorite vase on it, or at least where is used to be.
The funny part, is my wife never woke up. The not so funny part is the fact that not only do I need to buy a new vase, but also double stick tape to make sure nothing else breaks. But once that's done "THX here I come"