It looks like it might be open season on pirates, finally.


James NM

yeah, my sarcasm meter just wasn't registering anything. :D

i do hope he wasn't serious though.
Dang. And I thought my reference to the IPPU - the "International Pillagers and Pirates Union" might be a clue. Maybe that was too subtle ... or has Richard Trumka actually undertaken such a noble cause?


Audioholic Samurai
Although they are technically Pirates pertaining to the act I think its time to call them something else the whole pirate thing seems to glorify them in some ways. they are terrorists, cold blooded killers, and have surely become the enemy of all civilized nations, there must be a drastic approach to stop this nonsense, sink all of their boats, mother ships and so on. How do these animals get interviews with the press, the minute one shows his face he should be snatched up by the closest military agents, he is guilty of conspiracy at that point.
I see all these pictures of pirates standing on the beach. docks, rockpiles, next to their small boats, well if some one can get them in focus with a camera lens it should be even easier to get him in the crosshairs of a long range snipers weapon , just saying.


Audioholic Warlord
Although they are technically Pirates pertaining to the act I think its time to call them something else the whole pirate thing seems to glorify them in some ways. they are terrorists, cold blooded killers, and have surely become the enemy of all civilized nations, there must be a drastic approach to stop this nonsense, sink all of their boats, mother ships and so on. How do these animals get interviews with the press, the minute one shows his face he should be snatched up by the closest military agents, he is guilty of conspiracy at that point.
I see all these pictures of pirates standing on the beach. docks, rockpiles, next to their small boats, well if some one can get them in focus with a camera lens it should be even easier to get him in the crosshairs of a long range snipers weapon , just saying.
The term "pirate" is still appropriate; it's just that the image has been romanticized in the movies, softening the mental picture that many people have of them.

It's frustrating, but we are bound by the international laws that the pirates feel free to flout. Therefore, we have to arrest them if possible. The only justifiable reason they can be shot is in self-defence, or if they are harming, or about to harm, hostages.

In fact, many of the pirates caught up to now have simply been disarmed and released. The relevant countries don't want the headache of bringing them in for trial. Take them to a developed country and next thing you know, they're claiming asylum or refugee:rolleyes: status!

A small private vessel going anywhere near that area is foolhardy and it shouldn't be permitted.


Seriously, I have no life.
Although they are technically Pirates pertaining to the act I think its time to call them something else the whole pirate thing seems to glorify them in some ways. they are terrorists, cold blooded killers, and have surely become the enemy of all civilized nations, there must be a drastic approach to stop this nonsense, sink all of their boats, mother ships and so on. How do these animals get interviews with the press, the minute one shows his face he should be snatched up by the closest military agents, he is guilty of conspiracy at that point.
I see all these pictures of pirates standing on the beach. docks, rockpiles, next to their small boats, well if some one can get them in focus with a camera lens it should be even easier to get him in the crosshairs of a long range snipers weapon , just saying.
How do they get interviews with the press? Members of the world press don't always have any moral imperative to do anything more than get the scoop. If a citizen associates or talks to someone who's known to be a criminal, they may be cited for obstruction of justice and if they watch a crime, they can be charged with being associated with the crime. Photos and interviews can be posted online anonymously from any computer, so it can be hard to prove who the author is unless they use their name in the byline.

Morality has been lost in many parts of the world and justifying it by saying how desperate they are is just a cop-out, IMO. Many people in the same conditions never do anything like this and all that says is "The pirates are bad people and should be stopped". Bad people continue to do bad things until they're stopped and these dirtbags need to be stopped.
its phillip

its phillip

Audioholic Ninja

Pirates holding three children and their parents have said they will kill them if any rescue attempt is made.

The Danish family, along with two crew, were captured last week from their yacht in the Indian Ocean.

Somalian Abdullahi Mohamed said that he has ties with the gang holding the group.

He said that any attack against the pirates would result in the deaths of the hostages, and he referred to the killings last week of four American hostages taken captive by pirates on their yacht.

Just days before the hijacking, the family wrote on a travel blog that it was in daily contact with anti-piracy forces and had prepared a "piracy plan" in case of an attack.

Postings chronicling the family's round-the-world journey showed they entered the area well aware that the American yacht had been hijacked by pirates but comforted by the presence of counter-piracy forces.

"Of course, we talked quite a lot about it but this is far over thousands of kilometres away and the Arabian Sea that we sail in is the size of Europe," they said.

They are Jan Quist Johansen, his wife Birgit Marie Johansen, their sons Rune and Hjalte and their daughter Naja. They are from Kalundborg, 75 miles west of Copenhagen.

The chairman of the Kalundborg yacht club, Ole Meridin Petersen, said they were experienced sailors who were planning to enter the Mediterranean through the Suez canal from the Red Sea.

That route would take the family through the Gulf of Aden, one of the most dangerous waterways in the world in terms of piracy.

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