Hello S_F,
I think a lot of people believe the same way you do. But here's why I don't agree.
(Begin Rant)
3D is a technology, a tool. It is neither good or bad. It's just a tool – like a hammer or saw. Or, for a comparison more relevant to the HT world, its like surround sound (SS). You can have a good movie w/o SS but a good SS mix adds to the experience. That being said, 3D technology is rarely ever implemented properly. This has been going on for a long time...
When movie studios thought they were going to go out of business because of the VCR – they turned 3D, the technology, into a gimmick. The public was suckered into paying for bulls*it movies.
The old 3D movies, for the most part, sucked. More to the point – the movies sucked. It didn't matter if they were in color, b/w, stereo, mono, 2D, or 3D – those movies still sucked!
Then what followed? More crappy 3D movies. But that practice ended in... Wait, it NEVER ended!
The movie people still view the public as dumbass suckers. So that put some crap on film (Spy Kids 3D), use outdated technology (the cheapest Red/Blue glasses they can get their hands on – not even Red/Cyan that makes a true RGB image), and shovel it down our throats! Because of their misuse of the technology, 3D continues to suffer a bum rap when it comes to movies. But that's not the case with photography.
In the photography world, 3D isn't looked at as a gimmick. Why? Because 3D photographers, most of whom are on a shoe-string budget, know what the hell they're doing. So they take some amazing 3D pics. But...
In the movie world, almost everyone sees 3D as a gimmick. Why? Because the movie studio execs (who, BTW, have hundreds of millions of dollars at their disposal and have tons of skilled and creative people all around them), choose to fund AN ENDLESS STREAM OF CRAPPY MOVIES (The Son of the Mask, RollerBall, From Justin to Kelly)! Some of these crappy movies star people who, IMHO, shouldn't be acting. Why is Britney Spears starring in a movie? But does it have to be this way?
No. All they, the execs, have to do is fund 1 GOOD MOVIE that uses 3D technology THE RIGHT WAY. That would create a movie going experience that's more engaging than anything else – EVER!
(End Rant)
So, I don't think that 3D is a gimmick. I think it's a technology that has been misused.
If used correctly, it can truly enhance the movie going experience.
Just my thoughts.
My rant wasn't directed to anyone in particular (unless you are a movie studio exec.). I do not mean to offend anyone. Thanks.