My receiver is a Sony STR-DE597. Since I bought it and an optical cable for both my DVD player and PS2 each, I noticed that, specifically with the PS2, any time audio was not being detected the format/speaker display isn't lit up other than what I'm using for the sound field. My "problem" is that it took a second for the audio to come out when I had the decoding set to auto, producing a noticeable delay in the audio output at the very beginning of audio being sent. My best example is the PS2 memory card screen, where no sound comes out unless selecting an icon or moving the cursor (as in, when I moved the cursor no audio would come out unless some had literally just come out a second or two before). Turning it to PCM instead of auto decode seems to have fixed this slight lack of sound.
Now, the REAL question after this longwinded opening to my post is this: is there a noticeable difference between having it set to auto or PCM? I checked with one of my DTS DVDs (Terminator 2 UE) and was flipping between the decoding modes on my receiver as it played and I honestly couldn't hear a difference. Are my ears just that dead (I can gnerally tell the differences in sound) or does having the decode set to PCM not matter as much?
Sorry for such a long first post.